Your First experience with Animal Crossing?

  • Thread starter Panguinix
  • Start date

Do you like New Leaf?

  • Yes

    Votes: 32 94.1%
  • No

    Votes: 2 5.9%

  • Total voters
  • #41
1) Who got you playing the game?
My cousins, I saw them playing AC:WW on the DS so I got interested.

2)Why did you buy or play the game?
Because my cousins said it was fun so I got it and started to play and the features were pretty cool too.

3)At the time did you like it?
No, because I had no idea on what to do, I think all I did was move in t0 town and buy some clothes, I didn't really do anything. :rotfl:

4)Thoughts on the Newest Animal Crossing?
Well, I have no thoughts on Happy Home Designer cause I bought New Leaf instead of it but I really like New Leaf, it's fun catching bugs, being the mayor, decorating my house, fishing and joining fish competitions.I think New Leaf would be the only Animal Crossing game I played properly. :rotfl:
  • #42
All can say i liked this game but quit because-

I can say as of right now.... My previous town was flourished with oranges, I had townspeople I could live with, the Re-Tail center and Town Hall were right next to each other... All I didn't have was an Axe, Fishing Pole and Slingshot because I had already made a house.

I restarted all over again and lost everything. Starting a new town has left me sad.

Very sad.
  • #43
Who got you playing the game? People from an IRC chat I'm on.
Why did you buy or play the game? People from the aforementioned chat were talking about it, and I figured I'd give it a shot.
At the time did you like it? It was okay, I guess. This was back in a day and age when places like Blockbuster existed, so I didn't have to spend the money on the game itself. I think now I like it more though. It's one of those games that you can pretty much pick up at any time and still enjoy.
Thoughts on the Newest Animal Crossing? I like it. I haven't played it much, but I like it.
  • #44
I got my self playing this game kinda. Got Animal Crossing Wild World for the Nintendo DS on my 7th birthday back in 2006. Thoroughly enjoyed the game and spent hours upon hours every day on it. I loved it to pieces, almost as much as my Pokemon games of which I've spent thousands of hours on :/. Since then I'd also bought it for Wii (Let's Go To The City) and loved the transition to a higher quality gameplay (at the time).
I do own Animal Crossing an I have only had it as of Summer 2015, but personally I believe I've made some substantial progress. I love what they've done with the game and allowed players to make the decisions that we've wanted to make for a decade. One criticism I must make about the game itself is the Main Street. I don't particularly like it to be fair. I much more preferred the Wii's iteration of the "city" above your own town. I wouldn't mind there still being the same shops as Main Street has but I'm not particularly fond of the squished feel of Main Street. But other than that, I love it :playful:

My FC is on my signature, if you ever want to take a peak at how my town is coming along and give me some suggestions I'd be happy to have you over ;)
  • #45
I played all the games and i loved them. The first i had was City Folk then i bought Wild World, Then the original GC version and then a Nintendo gave me New Leaf free code! i wasnt really excited for it but decided to try it and guess what... I LOVED NEW LEAF, its online is wonderful and everything is cool about it.
  • #46
Who got you playing the game?
I first started playing Animal Crossing when my sister got the NGC version way back in the early 2000s
Why did you buy or play the game?
My sister played it a lot, and as a kid I always liked to play the games she liked.
At the time did you like it?
I loved it, despite not being the best at making money. I was only around 5 at the time I started playing, so I didn't really care about that stuff. I played Wild World a lot more than I did the NGC version. I still didn't play it too much though. When City Folk came out I played it for about a month before selling it. I played Wild World until New Leaf came out.
Thoughts on the Newest Animal Crossing?
If we're talking about Happy Home Designer, I think that I would love to play the game. You can put things on the ceiling! I can't wait to buy it.
New Leaf, on the other hand, has been the first Animal Crossing game I've ever been able to really get into. I played Wild World a lot but the lack of good ways to make money really took out a huge part of the game for me, because I just didn't have the patience to build my house up. The fact that you're now the mayor just brought a whole new aspect to the game, and I think it's definitely been the best game with the series.
  • #47
I don't exactly have the New Leaf version of Animal Crossing, but I do have "Animal Crossing Wild World" and I have to say It takes a really long time to get genuinely bored of the game. "Animal Crossing Wild World" was very enjoyable and fun, there was lots to do and the animals were pretty nice (well sorta) and all in all had taken many hours of my time! ( ◞・౪・)
  • #48
I don't exactly have the New Leaf version of "Animal Crossing", but I do have "Animal Crossing Wild World", for the DS. The game was overall enjoyable in every aspect and was really hard to put down, so I feel, and hope, that "Animal Crossing New Leaf" would be even better!( ◞・౪・)
  • #49
I bought CF and expected a bit too much. Couldn't play with anyone and was always boring since I could only do the same old thing over and over
  • #50
The first Animal Crossing I played was City Folk (Wii)
But I didn't get the full experience cause I was only 6
So I barely knew what to do I would sell shells for money I thought fossils were useless.
I was such a noob but I enjoyed the game.

Now I play ACNL and it's still really fun I've always like playing happy life simulators.
It's always fun to play with a pal or two
And the game got even better cause your the mayor now
(I always wondered what it was like behind Tortimers desk XD)
Well bai!
  • #51
Well, my first experience with the game was on the Gamecube, when my cousin Charlie loaned me his copy of the game. I thought that the gam was extremely entertaining, and the laid-back relaxing atmosphere really struck me as something unique that is very difficult to pull off correctly in a video game.