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Category: 3DS News

3DS exploit blown wide open for Pokemon Shuffle

For anyone who wasn’t aware: around the last week of January, 2015, it was discovered that Gameboy Color ROMs could be played using an exploit in the Web Browser of a 3DS. But before that, it was discovered that the same exploit could be used to transfer illegal/hacked Pokemon in…

New eShop Content – February 19th

  The defining characteristic of this week’s eShop update has to be cuteness. 3DS owners get Pokemon Shuffle alongside two RPGs, Adventure Bar Story and Excave. Nintendo gamers get another Flappy Bird-influenced game called Flap Flap, if Frenchy Bird wasn’t wink-wink-nudge-nudge-y enough. Wii U gamers get a Kirby adventure to dote…

Nintendo 3DS exploit enables Region-free capabilities

*NOTE: This exploit is NOT illegal, and does NOT enable homebrew emulation. An exploit released by 3DS hacker smealum called regionthree has enabled region-free capbilities on the system, which allows you to play out-of-region physical copies of games, in the system’s native language. The exploit supports the latest 3DS system firmware…

New eShop Content – February 12th

  This has to be the biggest eShop week for 3DS gamers in quite a while, as two of the most in-demand games for the 3DS – The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask 3D and Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate – arrive on the eShop in both Western regions alongside Bandai Namco’s Ace…

Citizens of Earth running for 3DS and Wii U demo

Citizens of Earth launched on the 3DS and Wii U eShop last month, and Nintendo gamers wondering whether it’s worth the $14.99 price tag can see for themselves as the demo launches next week on the 3DS and Wii U eShops. The demo will be released on the North American…

IronFall: Invasion devs shift focus to NA release

Small French team so #ironfall is out in EU first with NOE's help. Full focus now on North America, won't take long, maybe end February! Thx — VD-dev (@VdDevGames) February 10, 2015 The devs behind the Third-person shooter game IronFall:Invasion have shifted their focus from the European release of the game towards…

Flipnote Studio 3D is now available on Club Nintendo

It isn’t the voices in your head that you’re hearing say, ‘Finally.’ It’s just thousands of Club Nintendo users. The long-awaited Nintendo 3DS application is finally available, at least for North American Club Nintendo users. Now that the frustration of the wait is over (though not for European Nintendo fans, who are still…

New Super Smash Bros. update adds Share Mode and amiibo functionality

Ah, Super Smash Bros. updates. The joy of accessing new features and experiencing the obligatory ‘gameplay adjustments’ after the grief of finding out you can’t play multiplayer until you download the update. Nintendo have released the details of the Version 1.0.5 update for the 3DS on their site. It adds…

Nintendo gets ready for Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is coming up relatively soon, and many gamers will be heartbroken, seeing people come out of stores with bouquets of flowers and boxes of chocolate. However, if your significant other is a Nintendo fan, this might be exactly what you’re looking for!Nintendo has revealed a set of Nintendo-themed Valentine’s Day…
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