Creepypasta Mansion Story

Creepypasta Mansion Story

Hey guys Jeff here. I decided to start tellin' you guys everything that happens way out here in the middle of nowhere. Usually crazy things happen other times it's really boring. So yeah....

Today started out normal, normal and well boring. It was the usual scouting the perimeter of the forest for humans or those crazy SCP folks or the occasional AntiPasta people who seek to kill us Creepypasta off.

Anyway I was busy scouting when BEN comes gliding up to me in a frenzy. His eyes are all wide and shimmering and he's grinning like that cat off Alice in Wonderland. He began ranting about this new Zelda game where you play as Blue, Red, and Green Link.

He proceeded to say that he wants to play it and he is thinking about haunting a copy of the game when it comes out.

I didn't understand the big deal over a game and told that do whatever cuz I don't care. Well he didn't like that and he had gotten angry (seriously the little kid Creepypastas are such a pain) and he threw a tantrum setting me on fire (which I have an issue with).

I told Slender what happen he didn't care, BEN told his side of the story and now I'm forced to play all the Zelda games (which isn't bad) with BEN possessing them (which is bad).

I'm stuck on the title screen of Ocarina of Time because BEN loves resting the game. Someone help me....
Jeff The Killer
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The creepy pastas down in Toxic Manor would like to point out that our mansion is waaaay better then your mansion :p
Jeff The Killer
Jeff The Killer
BEN told me it true that you guys have a theater in your mansion?
Well time to lose my dreams of getting Triforce Heroes ;-;.anyways it turns out BEN is more ANNOYING than Scary
Jeff The Killer
Jeff The Killer
He is...especially when he gets with Toby. Those two will drive you mad.
Started the story, prepared to rate a one.

Read it all, rating a 9000
Argg! That would suck, lol. Good job, that was an entertaining read
Jeff The Killer
Jeff The Killer
It does suck, not to mention now I'm...And now I'm glitching.....

Thanks so much I'm glad you liked it :D