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Hello my fellow pedians. It is me again with a different story. HUGE thanks to AwesomeGuy1234 for helping me come up with the story. Now let us begin.

It was a normal day. Just like any day my alarm clock rang and I turned it off and fell back asleep. My parents woke me up shortly after. I got up put on my clothes and walked out to eat breakfast. I had a feeling something bad was going to happen later on today but, I ignored it and continued eating my breakfast. I grabbed my stuff for school and started walking towards the bus stop. I saw my friend Danny there. "Hey man, what's up?" "Nothing much, although I get this really wierd feeling that something bad is coming later on today." Don't worry about it. It's probably just you being nervous about your first day at High School." "Your probably right." The bus finally came and we got in. As we were on our way to school we looked out the windows and saw this HUGE meteor coming towards us. We had no idea what to do. We paniced as we saw this thing flying towards us. The meteor sent other smaller meteors flying into car and building. A few more minutes passed and the meteor finally hit the earth. We saw as the earth was torn apart. We all evacuated in ships that could only carry 10 people at a time. Many refused to leave and they were left there to die. Many other ships were hit by other meteors that were hurdling towards earth. Not many of us survived. Here is the real question. How are we going to survive in space with no food or water? Why did a meteor destroy the earth? Why is this all happening? We may never find out.
Thank you all for reading. Again AwesomeGuy1234 gave me the idea of writing this. I will be taking ideas and writing them out for you guys. Hope you all enjoyed. :D
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