Nintendo 3DS Legend
Towns Folk
OH I GOT TAGGED AGAIN TYSM FAB RAWR@Vii For knowing Japanese and being an awesome friend.
@Eridan (again, I know) for being a nice and helpful person and a good friend.
@OopaMazo For being really kind and complimenting people and stuffz and I really appreciate that >.<)/ Stay Oopabulous
@Mikaya I always notice you're really nice and kind to everyone ^-^
@Faithy For being more positive and talking to me c:
@Megalegacy For being really nice and awesome and ye mate tons more but threads must have character limits amiright
@Ace Of Spades For being an epic pedian c:
@CrashToad124 For keeping me from leaving and being epic
@Flygon For being the most best best friend evar!!

@Kirlyfish You're really nice to people c:
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