Corrupt A wish!

  • Thread starter Starmanfan
  • Start date
  • #301
Granted but it's just your standard for weirdness that drops

I wish I could remember what I wanted to write down
  • #302
Granted,but its akward

I wish newbies would read how to get Pc
  • #303
Granted but now everyone who reads that gets an IQ of 80 so they'll type stupid stuff anyway

I wish my pokémon would level up while I sleep
  • #304
Granted but you have insomjia aand cant sleep

i wish my e shop balance will add up every day
  • #305
Granted but the prices will go through the roof every time that you almost have enough

I wish newbies would read the main post in a thread before posting ( some don't even try :mad:)
  • #306
Granted, but now they'll make incomplete posts for s**ts and giggles.

I wish I was an actual Blaziken.
  • #307
Granted but now you live on a tiny island and all food is a mile swimming away

I wish I could download music to my brain
  • #308
Granted, but your brain can only hold 3 songs max.

I wish I could resist the urge to buy games every 3 weeks (is that a problem?)
  • #309
Granted, but your brain can only hold 3 songs max.

I wish I could resist the urge to buy games every 3 weeks (is that a problem?)
(As long as you play them all I suppose you're okay, that means you don't buy them without a reason) Granted now you can resist the urge but only because you don't have any money anymore

I wish there were external hard drives available for brains
  • #310
(Thanks) Granted but they're so expensive it'd be cheaper to get a bigger brain.

I wish I knew how to whistle or snap my fingers.
  • #311
Granted,but you will annoy everybody with it

I wish I would be good in Smash bros
  • #313
Granted,but everyone will laugh at you

I wish Brussel´s Sprouts would tast good and not gross
  • #314
Granted,but everyone will laugh at you

I wish Brussel´s Sprouts would tast good and not gross
Granted, but now you must sacrifice your first born son to the Green Giant (Also brussel sprouts do taste delicious, maybe you should try adding some butter, olive oil and lemon juice to them)

I wish I had the power to read minds
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  • #315
Granted but you will be like the boy in this:
vdo that he hear everyone's mind good or bad and got scare in the end

i wish i can compose music
  • #316
Granted, but the music will be horrible

I wish for the 3ds game mh 4u brand new for free and works and isn't broken
  • #317
Granted, but your DS breaks the day you get it.

I wish that Moon knew that Marty McFly is from Back To The Future.
  • #318
Granted but yet again who is marty?

i wish i can read every language in the world
  • #319
Granted, but suddenly no one in the world can talk.
I wish for a piece of toast
  • #320
granted but the toast is expired
I wish for the Indiana colts to make a comeback from 7-45 atm and win