Corrupt A wish!

  • Thread starter Starmanfan
  • Start date
  • #281
(NOOOOOOOOO) Granted but it came in pieces.
I wish I could speak in autotune every FREAKEN DAY!!!
  • #282
Granted but only every Freaken day (which appears to be never :confused:)

I wish I could make p my mind on which game to buy
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Reactions: PigMayor
  • #283
Granted but u have no money

I wish i can go home
  • #284
Granted but now you have no home

I wish you would smile :)
  • #285
Granted, but I'd smile like this 24/7 and freak everyone out:

I wish I could travel le mondeee ^_^
  • #286
Granted but you're stuck there for eternity

I wish for Fazbear Pizzeria to be existent, and I was a head executive of the franchise
  • #287
Granted,but the purple guy will kill you

I wish I would get payed with € for every post I make
  • #288
granted but you cant access internet anymore

Im wish i can geta thing i want
  • #289
Granted but it´s toilet paper

I wish I would have a driving liscense
  • #290
Granted but now cars are illegal

I wish I had superpowers
  • #291
Granted but you can only summon used toilet paper :dead:
I wish you were all cheese not so I can eat yo :vamp:
  • #292
Granted but we are metal "cheese"

i wish i have a wii
  • #293
Granted but it is bricked.

I wish I could have an average English accent all the time :3
  • #294
Granted but you cant open youre lip any more
i wish i have another 3ds for my bro
  • #295
:rage: should've seen that loophole, oh well.

Granted, but it is bricked.
I wish to corrupt the next wish. (try to corrupt this :vamp:)
  • #296
Granted, but only if you're the next one to comment.

I wish that I had Marty McFly's Delorian.
  • #297
Granted but who is marty mcfly?

i wish i hve a lot of PC
  • #298
Granted but Pc is worthless now

I wish I could make usefull,unused things out of nothing
  • #299
Granted but they disappear immediately after creation

I wish toilet paper was magical
  • #300
Granted,it will get dirty before using it

I wish I would have more not weird questions for the "have you ever" thread