Corrupt A wish!

  • Thread starter Starmanfan
  • Start date
  • #1,401
Granted, but that is the last break you'll ever have

I wish I have the motivation to read Japanese novel
  • #1,402
Granted, but you can't speak it at all.
I wish to be a powerful all mighty person who will rule the world :hungry::hungry::hungry:
  • #1,403
That world is Mercury.
I wish for dragons to be real
  • #1,404
You're the first one to be killed by it

I wush I can live without food or water
  • #1,405
Granted, but you'll still feel hunger and thirst.

I wish I was Frisk/Chara
  • #1,406
Granted but you turn mute

I wish I can conjure anything I wish
  • #1,407
Granted, but you have to sacrifice one of your body parts every time you do it

I wish I could kill myself (HAH CORRUPT THAT ONE FOOLS!! I WIN!!)
  • #1,408
Granted but you won't die, no matter how much you tried but you still feel the agonizing pain consuming your mind.

I wish I can sing
  • #1,409
granted. but everyone, including you, is deaf.

I wish to not be so tired in the mornings.
  • #1,410
Granted but you have insomnia.

I wish the moon was closer to Earth.
  • #1,411
Granted, but it smashes into Earth
I wish for the Purge irl
  • #1,412
(Ooch, that hurt)
Granted but your "real life" is an illusion

I wish I can fight
  • #1,413
Granted, but everyone is better than you
I wish I could climb trees
  • #1,414
Granted, but you get splinters everywhere.
I wanna be the very best like no one ever was.
  • #1,415
Granted, but then you get bested by Gary Oak
I wish no one made fun of me anymore
  • #1,416
Granted, now they just physically abuse you

I wish I can be the worse of all mankind
  • #1,417
Granted, but you'll never be noticed by anyone ever again.
I wish I could eat as much of whatever I want without getting fat or unhealthy.
  • #1,418
Granted but your body can't digest anything u ate

I wish for a new world
  • #1,419
Granted but the new world has equally the amount of corruption to the old world and nothing good comes from it.

I wish for all live-action anime adaptation movies I watch to be amazing.
  • #1,420
Granted, but you can only watch one live-action adaptation movie for the rest of your life.

I wish I was a voice actor for an Anime series.