One Blazing Hot Battle
Vs Flint
The 3rd Elite 4. Here we go. My obvious choice was
@Chopper the Whiscash and
@Spinnerweb the Luxray both would have the coverage to handle the whole of Flint's Team.
I lead the game with
@Chopper the Whiscash and Flint lead off with his Rapidash.
He gets a bounce off, gets the para and then i get fully para'ed. This wasn't a good start
Rapidash goes for a Solarbeam and yet again I'm fully paralysed.
At this point I'm forced to switch out and
@Spinnerweb the Luxray takes a solarbeam which surprisingly didn't do too much.
I go for a charge boosting my special defence and Rapidash tries to go for another solarbeam.
Getting hit by another solar beam, I go for a discharge and take out Rapidash.
Next Up is Infernape. I switch back into Whiscash.
He gets a critical hit earthquake and my own earthquake isn't enough to ko the Infernape and just pops the sitrus berry.
Alright Healing Item no.1 Full Restore. I notice now i should have stocked up on more of these.
Infernape goes for a mach punch.
Infernape goes for another Earthquake and I get off a nice surf and down goes that gosh darn Monkey.
Lopunny wants to come out next and I switch back into Luxray to get off a nice intimidate.
Lopunny goes for a Charm whilst I get a nice discharge off doing just under half.
I get fire punch'ed and I go for a charge as I don't want to set off a full restore.
Now I go for the discharge securing me another KO. Oh yeah I got an unnecessary crit as well.
Steelix wants to come out so I send back out Whiscash. I go for surf and that's the end of Steelix.
Last but not least, Drifblim comes out. Luxray comes out one last time.
I go for a hyper potion just incase drifblim has anything nasty. This is healing Item no.2.
I get hit by an Omnious Wind.
Discharge gets Drifblim down to the red. I get hit by a Will O Wisp.
I predict the full restore and go for a Charge. My prediction is correct indeed n_n.
The Game ends with a Discharge and I defeat Flint n_n.
Next Time I take on Lucien