Danganronpa: Depths of Despair

  • Thread starter Frisk
  • Start date
  • #261
After Aaron walked through the door, Monokuma came up on the loudspeaker. "Excuse me, Ladies and Gentlemen, this is the dead body announcement! There is a report of two dead bodies that are believed to be in the Band Hall!" The loudspeaker shut off.
  • #262
"Two... Body- TWO BODYS?!" Aaron realized. "Who the hell is Chara?!"
  • #263
"อีกแล้วหรอ" she muttered. To no one's ears.
  • #264
"...Θα προσποιηθώ κατάλαβα αυτό."
  • #265
(Hey you two. Stop talking in another language XD)

"Airi! What's wrong?" Jongo asked, and Airi ran into Jungo hugging him tightly. " T-t-the bodies...Zekar and Silas..they're b-both dead!" Airi said, and everyone started to head towards the Band Hall, but the door was locked. "C'mon! Open up already!" Jungo said, and then everyone rammed into the door at once, forcing it open.

Once they got in, they found Silas and Zekar with a big blood stain on the back of their heads, lying on the floor.
  • #266
(I already said she is bilingual xD)
  • #267
"Well, doesn't look like a skirmish..."
  • #268
'There's no point is there... Damn 4 down already... I honestly don't care about this shithole. Forget this I'm going to sleep again' Mirai spoke slowly and slightly annoyed.
  • #269
"Only some awesome ninja could brain both without one fighting back." Azura told the others.
  • #270
"What if, the killer killed one of them, then the other one walked in and the killer had to stop them?" Airi said. "So, one of these guys was in the wrong place at the wrong time, then? It certainly is a good theory, but we need more to work off of." Jungo said.
  • #271
"They both look like they've been murdered by the same weapon..." Aaron observed.
  • #272
"I told you it's awesome ninjas!" Azura yelled. ( @Persona-Chan We should Redo the Disgaea x: Gateway to Hell story.)
  • #273
(To be honest i was thinking about it, but we need to wrap this up first.)
  • #274
(Ok) Azura looked at the bodies for a few more seconds. "Yep it was ninjas or Russians."
  • #275
"Well, a school aboot killing has got to have at least one ninja, or they could have been killed for being out pass curfew, eh?"
  • #276
"If your a Russian ninja raise your hand!" Azura yelled suddenly.
  • #277
"Because Chara would kill two people, and then reveal him or herself."
  • #278
"If your not a Russian ninja raise your hand!"
  • #279
"You idiot... Did you really think that would work? Everyone is going to raise their hand..."
  • #280
everyone but one person raised their hand. "I knew it would work!"