Writing- 'n-Drawing-aholic
Towns Folk
I don't know how? If I want to upload them as images they'll be out in the open and with dropbox (which is where the link goes to) they're secured. :-/ Here's the link again see if it works now: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/1okf80k72tyg5ir/AAASVf4CFEWQ0zqOVUdhaRzsa?dl=0
EDIT: Okay I uploaded the pictures. There are 6 pictures as I made a few close-ups as well. Sorry if they're sideways I somehow can't change that. :-/
EDIT: Okay I uploaded the pictures. There are 6 pictures as I made a few close-ups as well. Sorry if they're sideways I somehow can't change that. :-/
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