Personally I like both but I lean a bit more towards dub as I prefer a language I understand rather than a language that sound beautiful but I have no idea what they are saying, It's hard to explain but I like understanding what I'm hearing. Then there is the ''connection'' or ''nostalgia'' I have for a few VA that makes me watch English over Japanese, for example if the VA Juliet Simmons is cast in an anime I'll probably watch the dub. Than we come to the writing or specifically the comedy of the anime. I can't tell you how many times my Japanese friends, and by friends I mean friend, have said ''this is a hilarious show, you need to watch it'' and I didn't even laugh one bit because it relied heavily on Japanese wordplay and such. There is no problem when it's a joke that's both in the writing but also in the animation like in Kill La Kill with the Mako scenes, seriously those make me laugh in whatever language they are in and if you haven't seen those that's the first thing on your bucket list to do. However there is still a few things the Japanese have over the english dubbed version. Like most Japanese dubs as for what feels like 99,9999999% out of 100% good voice acting whereas the english dubs is more 50 - 50 on the subject, or so I feel.
Edit: Just something I forgot to mention is that dubs have also become better and better over the years since a long ways back so really now days it doesn't really matter whatever language you watch it in.