Favorite Nintendo RPG

  • Thread starter ianarceus
  • Start date
  • #61
Mine is Kingdom Hearts 2! I love every Kingdom Hearts game, but 2 was my favorite. It has a great story, the graphics are really good for a ps2, and it is just so fun to play! Although Donald is really annoying when he keeps healing me right after I heal myself. :meh:
  • #62
Favorite RPG is probably Final Fantasy Crystal Chronices echoes of time on the Wii along with Bowser's inside story
  • #63
Skyrim or any open world RPG
  • #64
I can't believe I forgot about sonic chronicles along with xenoblade chroncicles. Quality RPGs right there
  • #65
okay tough question my all time favorite and has been for the longest of times would have to be The White Knight Chronicles 1&2. other than that id say the entirety of the Final Fantasy series, especially 12.( I spent almost 1,500 hours on that one alone just trying to collect everything including the extremely rare random drops, nd completely filling in my license board.) Pokémon is another all of them, Golden Sun, Persona 3, Skyrim, Oblivion, Morrowwind, and GTA V.
  • #66
Chrono Trigger and pokemon are the best RPG's ever made in my opinion! A few other good ones are most of the final fantasy series and fire emblem.
  • #67
does GTA V even count as a RPG
  • #68
as far as gamestop is concerned it is lol they told me its an RPG and I can see how they can say that. imean its not a traditional one but still it has certain elements.
  • #69
i see your point
  • #70
Knights of the Old Republic 2 (with Restored Content)
  • #71
The RPG I had the most fun in was Mother 3 and I haven't played a lot of other RPGs besides the Mario & Luigi games and Pokemon. Mother 3 was just entertaining the whole way through (even if I had to grind a little bit and Pokemon was less challenging but you still had hard times against Gym Leaders (which got easier going into future Generations). And Mario and Luigi games were more dependent on exploration which I didn't like as much.
  • #72
I'm having a lot of fun with Persona 3. Grinding feels fun to me only in this game lol.

First Persona RPG game experience :D (not first persona game, that was Persona 4 Arena)
  • #73
My favorite RPG is Undertale, Fire Emblem: Awakening and Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days. Aloso Persona Q
  • #74
Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch is my favorite now. I haven't even beaten it.

It's fun to look at. That usually says a lot about a game.

it also has a good combat system and great orchestrated music
  • #75
earthbound, pokemon and final fantasy are my favourites.

i also really wanted to play persona, anyone who has played it; you recommend which one?
  • #76
Go for Persona 3 and 4.
  • #77
I have a really strange one, basically no one knows it exists because it was origanaly on the sega dreamcast (which failed) and the remake for the nintendo gamecube (which also failed). Skies of Arcadia Legends for the nintendo gamecube is my favorite RPG because everything about it is so perfect, the music is well orchastrated, each character has deep development, the game is jam-packed with extras, which is great, because there are like 9 optional bosses, the type system is so amazing (resembles FF10's switch out system, with no penaltys to switch). Not to mention when it was origanaly released in 2000, which is amazing because it could have passed for a ps2 game. It is amazing.