Guilty or not Guilty

  • Thread starter Mario1992
  • Start date
  • #21
Guilty-Every Math lesson

Have you ever eaten Lego Bricks accidently?
  • #22
Not guilty. Didn't have Lego bricks. :cry:

Have you ever trashed a sibling's dollhouse?
  • #23
Unguilty-I hadn´t got a sister

Have you ever accidently stepped in Dog Sh**
  • #24
Guilty, those shoes would never see the light of day again.

Did you ever get into a fight with your best friend over a game?
  • #25
Guilty-It was Mario Party so it´s pretty selx eplainory

Have you ever cheated while playing Monopoly?
  • #26
Not guilty, but I've never completed a game of Monopoly despite having a set for myself. It takes so long that I goof and say to my opponent, "Take all my money, just let me goooo!" and turns out they feel the same way :p

Have you ever chewed someone else's pencil?
  • #27
Unguilty-I never chew on pencils

Have you ever accidently drunken ink
  • #28
Guilty- Pen exploded when i was chewing it...
Have you ever worn underwear on your head ?
  • #29
Not Guilty
Have you ever been slapped in the face?
  • #30

Have you ever played with sh**?
  • #31
not guilty ..............
Have you ever humiliated someone?
  • #32
nope nope nope Not Guilty >.<

Have you ever intentionally broken a friend/ family members toy?
  • #33

Did you ever fart in public?
  • #34
Guilty, as guilty as can be

Have you ever used random items to dress up as a superhero? (from-blankets-to-pizzaboxes-anything-goes-look)
  • #35
Guilty-Meet living-room-stuff-man

Have you ever throwen food at people? (I would be guilty)
  • #36
Guilty (I can't remember something but I'm sure I'm guilty)'

Have you ever wished some loud inconsiderate people at a party in the middle of the night would just f*ckin die? (I'm pretty guilty right now, shut up! I want to sleep!!)
  • #37
Guilty-Who wouldn´t be guilty?

Have you ever intentionally insulted people
  • #38

Have you ever thought about hacking a game/using a cheating device?
  • #39
Guilty-It was Ninja Gaiden II

Have you ever found Swamp Simulator scary?
  • #40
Not Guilty (what is Swamp Simulator?)

Have you ever posted a whole bunch of things just for pc? (I call it the newbie-virus as it seems that every newbie does that)