Guilty or not Guilty

  • Thread starter Mario1992
  • Start date
  • #41
Not Guilty (what is Swamp Simulator?)

Have you ever posted a whole bunch of things just for pc? (I call it the newbie-virus as it seems that every newbie does that)

Swamp Simulator is a Slenderman parody.In that Slenderman is replaced with Shrek.

For the question: Unguilty

Have you ever drunken cola with mentos?
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  • #42
Lol, but you have not posted a new question.
  • #43
Not Guilty, but I have messed around with soda & mentos

Have you played Cars the Videogame?
  • #44
Not guilty

Have you ever dressed up a guy as a girl (Guilty, and it was incredibly funny XD )
  • #45
not guilty
have you ever get a fight with friends while playing dokapon?
  • #46
Not guilty, never played.

Have you ever piled lie upon lie to get out of trouble?
  • #47
guilty plenty of time to

have you ever lazy to play you fav game?
  • #48
Unguilty-How can´t I play my fav game?:eek:

Have you ever eaten food that was out of date?(I did it accidently and that was the result::vomit:)
  • #49
Guilty, I did that many times, as long as you know whether it's gone bad or not you will not get sick. Most stuff stays perfectly fine for much longer than their date. (There is even a date on salt! Salt, it has been salt for millions of years and it will most likely stay salt for a couple more, so why is there even a date on it?!)

Have you ever been indecisive to which game you wanted to play and tried to play them all at once? (I am guilty)
  • #50

Have you ever confessed to your crush? (Nope)
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  • #51
Not guilty, never been in love (I suppose I'm just not looking or it)

Have you ever on purpose hit someone in the face? (Guilty)
  • #52
Guilty. He was trying to play my 3ds =(
Have you contemplated the meaning of life so much that it temporarily ruined your life (guilty after reading harry potter)
  • #53
Guilty (after watching the news)

Have you ever considered to leave earth forever to live on the moon in solitude?
  • #54
... Not guilty.

Have you ever bought a game and regretted it later (Not guilty so far)?
  • #55
Guilty, Crimson Shroud is a terrible game

Have you ever fallen asleep in the shower?
  • #56
not guilty its so cold
have you ever feel like you not wanna go to school (oh im so guilty)
  • #57
Hahahahahahahahahahahaha..... Guilty.

Have you ever heard about something (anime, game, whatev) and then decided to read about it online, and then immediately regretted it? (oh god I'm so guilty *shudder*)
  • #58
hmmm.... not guilty as long as i remember

have you ever buy somthing without you parent approval? (my 3ds in fact :panda:)
  • #59
not guilty(my parents are my source of money)
have you ever wasted money on something you used only one time(guilty)
  • #60
hmm some of my game so yeah guilty

have you ever beat marc high score at pac man? (40000+)