Guilty or not Guilty

  • Thread starter Mario1992
  • Start date
  • #61
Unguilty-That´s imposible

Have you ever eaten soap or a like (It always gets in my Mouth if I wash my face:cry:)
  • #62
Guilty, there was a soap business in my city that claimed their soap was made of fruit, but it really looked like soap so I did not believe them, so I licked a bar of soap. I was delicious, it tasted like all sorts of tropical fruits but...'s still soap so my mouth filled with bubbles. XD But at least they didn't lie.

Have you ever dressed up as if you were going to a party then sat on your couch/bed/chair and played videogames? (Guilty in a glitter dress)
  • #63
Unguilty-I don´t really like to dress up in something different then normal day clothes or my Halloween costum

Have you ever had a figth with your friends (This happens to me once every year)
  • #64
Guilty but the last time was a few years ago. We might disagree but it never comes to a fight.

Have you ever sang out loud but as soon as you discovered someone was listening shut up?
  • #65
Unguilty-I don´t like to sing

Have you ever given up an PKMN game´s story mode(Spin Offs don´t count)(I did gave up: I still don´t know how I can get this damn snorlax out of the way in HG/SS)
  • #66
Not guilty, (if you just continue you'll find a route around it and when you are on the other side of the Snorlax you can catch it ;) )

Have you ever spnt the night gaming even when you knew there was a big tests the next day? (Guilty)
  • #67
Guilty-I´m suprised how well I wrote the Test

Have you ever trolled on a Youtube video
  • #68
Not guilty, before Google+ took over I never heard of trolling and I never made a Google+ acount (screw Google, youtube is worse than it was before they came)

Have you ever scared a baby? (Guilty. Somehow when they cry and I look at them they stop an stare as if they've seen a ghost)
  • #69
Unguilty-No one I know has children younger than 6 and I have no children.

Have you ever annoyed people on the street just for amusment
  • #70
Guilty (btw you never see a baby in the supermarket or something?)

Have you ever heard a bass so loud it made the door shake? (Two of my friends have really...loud stereos. They sound good but they're really, really powerful. A bit too much maybe)
  • #71

Have you ever pulled lots of ketchup or sauce over something that you don´t like to eat so that you can eat it (I´m 100% guilty)
  • #72

Have you ever won a magical unicorn at a contest? (Guilty and out of inspiration)
  • #73
not guilty not even know what are u talking about :panda:

have you ever doodle-ing and somehow it end up lot better than the one u pour u heart into it?
  • #74

Have you ever started on your homework and looked at your page after a while to see you made a drawing instead of doing your work?
  • #75
Guilt-But ummmm interesting drawings

Have you ever insulted your teacher when you were in school?
  • #76
Not guilty (I'm still in school btw, I'm only 16, I've got at least 1 and a half year of school ahead of me) but I watched a hilarious insult happen the other day. One of my lassmates accedentially alled our English teachers 'sir' and when she said "Excuse me?" he said "Sir is...uhh... a compliment. I mean, not like guys are better, but I-" "It's better if you shut up now" She got really angry.

Have you ever experimented on your plants? (Guilty, I turned one of them bright red o_O )
  • #77
Not guilty

Have you ever kissed a girl in elementary? Im gulity I did once on the playground I was wrong but I was I guess we do silly thinks when we are young
  • #78

Do you like to hide sweets?
  • #79
Guilty, in my stomach. :p

Do you throw stuff at people when you're angry?
  • #80
Umm kinda Guilty-Threw them on a crappy rockband

Have you ever hidden food under your bed?