Have you bought a Wii U yet?

  • Thread starter Maddie
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The Hero in Green
Towns Folk
Well, like the title says, have you bought a Wii U yet? If so, what do you think of it?

I am waiting to see what kind of games they come out with for the Wii U before I buy the console because I don't feel it would be worth buying if they don't have any games that I'm interested in (or if they only have like one or two). They'd have to make several games for it before I'd consider buying the console.

So, I will get one if they make enough games for it that I like but I was curious what everyone else thinks of the system.
Yes, I bought my Wii U console a month after its release.
The reason the Wii U doesn't have many games is exactly because of this reason. People won't buy the system unless it has good games, but in order to get good games and more third party support, the console needs to sell. It's a rather aggravating cycle.

I do own a Wii U, and I can honestly say that's it's one of the most kick-butt consoles to date. =3
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I haven't bought one, but I will be once I find a special on it. I'm mainly getting it for Smash and Mario Kart, so I still got time to wait on a good deal.
Haven't bought it yet and have no plans to do so in the future either. :D I think Nintendo kicks-@$$ in handhelds!
I haven't bought it and I don't intend to. I actually forget that it exists, it's such a silent console. Unless my information is faulty, Nintendo didn't drop the price on it like they did with the 3DS - and it's understandable why they can't afford to. But for the library on it, it doesn't seem to be worth the price. Actually, I think it would be better put to say that Nintendo just didn't support it enough. I think it's a failure of a console. I know not everyone will agree, but I can see their point of view. If they're enjoying it, I'm glad they are. But I don't think I would, especially since the price compared to the value would skin me alive, so I don't intend to buy it - ever.
I haven't bought it and I don't intend to. I actually forget that it exists, it's such a silent console. Unless my information is faulty, Nintendo didn't drop the price on it like they did with the 3DS - and it's understandable why they can't afford to. But for the library on it, it doesn't seem to be worth the price. Actually, I think it would be better put to say that Nintendo just didn't support it enough. I think it's a failure of a console. I know not everyone will agree, but I can see their point of view. If they're enjoying it, I'm glad they are. But I don't think I would, especially since the price compared to the value would skin me alive, so I don't intend to buy it - ever.
This is how I saw the 3DS for a while, actually. I thought the Vita would win, although it clearly hasn't won. The battle for the handhelds will probably escalate for the PS4, but it seems that the 3DS will win, regardless. It took awhile (past the P4G release, only at the point where I realized people only bought PSVITAs for one game) for me to realize that the 3DS was defeating the Vita by a landslide. Nintendo played their cards very well, and they'll probably do the same with the Wii U, allowing it to sustain Nintendo as a major player in the next generation, when they release its successor.

I didn't intend to ever buy a 3DS until my friends kept talking about FE13 and I decided to buy a 3DS and three games with a few hundred dollars I had saved at the time. Thus, I'd say the Wii U can't be discounted at all, even with the media's criticism.
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Not yet, lack of time and other games have kept me from playing it. Though I'm hoping for a great price/bundle when I do finally get it.
I'm hoping to get one on Black Friday, if I can find a low enough price.
  • #10
I'm hoping to get one on Black Friday, if I can find a low enough price.
Yeah, this sounds like a plan. It's still early at the moment, and Nintendo has the advantage of an early release: They only need to release the games while they're coming out with consoles.
  • #11
I'm hoping to get one on Black Friday, if I can find a low enough price.

I think your first concern is getting past the crowd, since MS and Sony will be releasing new systems I think you will be safe once you reach the Nintendo section.
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  • #12
Actually, I think it would be better put to say that Nintendo just didn't support it enough.

Trust me; Nintendo is supporting it's home console and treating it like a baby. Great games take time to develop though, just look at the games that Nintendo alone is creating for it's home console. Sony and Microsoft won't have their major playing cards on the table for awhile, though Wii U will be the console with all the candy in 2014. I will say though that it's lacking third party support, and that's a huge problem that's dragging it down.
Just look at the 3DS, I understand that it needed the price drop, but in all honesty, the Wii U doesn't need one. The hardware you pay for is really great and the most innovative on the market. Besides, a Wii U is still the cheapest system out there anyways! And with the Ps4 and Xbox One getting released this year, it'd better take them awhile to come up with games otherwise Mario Kart 8, Super Smash Bros. and Zelda Wii U will dominate the market and gain a drastic boost in both sales and third party support, while the newer consoles still have to wait awhile before they can bring out their trump cards.
I will get a PS4 eventually, but it's honestly only to play one game and nothing else I see for the release schedule appeals to me. (until I may see some other games I may like, the other consoles don't have any backbone for me) I guess it just depends what you're a fan of: I love Nintendo to death in every category, besides Mario (XD).

I understand though that this is just your opinion and I respect that; just don't call the Wii U a failure just yet. lol =P
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  • #13
Trust me; Nintendo is supporting it's home console and treating it like a baby. Great games take time to develop though, just look at the games that Nintendo alone is creating for it's home console. Sony and Microsoft won't have their major playing cards on the table for awhile, though Wii U will be the console with all the candy in 2014. I will say though that it's lacking third party support, and that's a huge problem that's dragging it down.
Just look at the 3DS, I understand that it needed the price drop, but in all honesty, the Wii U doesn't need one. The hardware you pay for is really great and the most innovative on the market. Besides, a Wii U is still the cheapest system out there anyways! And with the Ps4 and Xbox One getting released this year, it'd better take them awhile to come up with games otherwise Mario Kart 8, Super Smash Bros. and Zelda Wii U will dominate the market and gain a drastic boost in both sales and third party support, while the newer consoles still have to wait awhile before they can bring out their trump cards.
I will get a PS4 eventually, but it's honestly only to play one game and nothing else I see for the release schedule appeals to me. (until I may see some other games I may like, the other consoles don't have any backbone for me) I guess it just depends what you're a fan of: I love Nintendo to death in every category, besides Mario (XD).

I understand though that this is just your opinion and I respect that; just don't call the Wii U a failure just yet. lol =P
Thank you for being so polite, as quite a number of times discussions like these turn into nasty flame wars. Your post is quite insightful, far-sighted and other-words-with-'sight'-in-them :p I can quite see that you feel it's worth the price - and it may be for a lot of players - but when I mentioned price drops I meant that dropping the price, as history has shown, increases sales 98% of the time at the very least, so even if it means they may have to sell the console at a loss, it would cause a spike in console sales which would boost up software sales and they can earn their money back and their profit from that. I don't think it's necessary that the PS4 and Xbox One (although maybe the Xbox One - it's already looking to be one of the very worst consoles of all time in my opinion) will have to wait a few years for great games - launch games and early releases, as the launch library of the PS2 shows, can also be quite excellent. Maybe that doesn't apply as much as I think it does because consoles and target audiences are slightly different now, but I still think so.
Also, you mentioned, quite rightly, that the Wii U is the cheapest system. But the PS4 only costs $50 more than it and I feel the games looking all set for the PS4, except for the inevitable God of War franchise which is one of the worst gaming series ever made, are good enough for paying the extra $50 (I would pay the extra $50 just for a Valkyria Chronicles game :p), as is the fact that the PS4 is the least restrictive console out of the three (no region-locking, cross-platform party chat, etc.). On the other hand, the Xbox One is getting a lot of multiplats that will also be on the PS4, lacks many great exclusive series that will be on the PS4, has an overly tired market of war FPSes and costs $100 more - that's the kind of stuff that makes a difference and tilts the scales in the PS4's favour, which you were also saying for the Wii U with all three consoles in perspective, but I think that the difference for the Wii U is smaller in that case because while I do love the franchises you mentioned as the Wii U's trump cards, I think they're getting a little too 'same as last year' and that might cause a lack of interest in them apart from diehard fans. That's just what I think, anyway.
Lastly, while I want to thank you again for being so polite, I have one request for the future - please don't bother to say that it's my opinion and you respect it. It's something that goes without saying because of how calm-headed you were, and it makes me feel like you're expecting me to flame you or be offended. 'It's your opinion and I respect it' is just something people say after disguise-flaming someone so that they don't have to take responsibility for what they say if it offends the other person.
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  • #14
It's something that goes without saying because of how calm-headed you were, and it makes me feel like you're expecting me to flame you or be offended.

Sorry about that, I guess that was unnecessary for me to say. I haven't really engaged in conversation like this, because most can't really uphold there part of their conversation, and start to either rage or whatever. Thank you for the reply back.

Yeah, this console war doesn't look very good for any companies this time, the prices are high and it's not exactly something someone can do anyday [i.e; buying a console]. Handhelds are taking over at the moment, and that is very understandable with the great software lineups they have to offer. I do believe that the Wii U will likely get a price drop sometime around either mid, or end of next year. It could be earlier; as I agree with you, they need to boost sales.
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  • #15
I will buy a Wii U in two years, for now I'm PC and 3DS only.

If I have my Wii U, I need at least 5 games:

- Sonic Lost World
- Super Smash Bros
- Bayonetta 2
- "X"
- Zelda Wii U
  • #16
I'm going to be getting the limited-edition The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD Wii U whenever I have the money.
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  • #17
I'm going to be getting the limited-edition The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD Wii U whenever I have the money.
Hopefully those will be around on Black Friday, I'd like to get one as well.
  • #18
Hopefully those will be around on Black Friday, I'd like to get one as well.

That sadly doesn't exist in my country, also the console cost 800 dollars :(:mad:
  • #19
That sadly doesn't exist in my country, also the console cost 800 dollars :(:mad:
What?! :eek:
  • #20
There is no Black Friday here, and the console cost that.

Console cost: $350
Import tax (50%) $350 + $175 = $525
Dollar tax (20%) $525 + $105 = $630
Iva (21%) $630 + $126 = $756
Add this another 30 dollars of extra taxes = $786

Now, it's ready to sell...