How many retail Nintendo 3DS games do you own?

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  • #21
I do, but digital copies just aren't my style. The only digital "game" I've ever used is SwapNote.

I though they was talking about digital one. Then I read, this threat is about physical games, so...
  • #22
I do, but digital copies just aren't my style. The only digital "game" I've ever used is SwapNote.

We have same style. ;)

I have all retail games. I don't have to worry about memory and not being able to trade or sell my games. Retails for life! Though I fear that we will be to a new era, where all games will be sold and purchased via the online gaming stores in digital fashion.
  • #23
Though I fear that we will be to a new era, where all games will be sold and purchased via the online gaming stores in digital fashion.

I was just talking about that with someone today. It's really amazing how convenient downloading games is for both the companies and the consumers. All digital gaming won't happen for awhile, but when it does, they're going to have to convince a lot of people that buying downloaded games is worth it. Practically everyone should ALSO have a connection to the internet as well as a computer; unless they create phones as powerful as computers by then that could do everything a computer can. xD

Technology is never-ending. It's just crazy how we've advanced.

Retail games are overall just a preferred buy from me, I enjoy the preorder bonuses. :p
  • #24
I like buying the physical copy most of the time, but for sand-box &/or life simulator kind of games, I find more convenient the digital download so it is always readily available. That and Zelda games. I think there are still obstacles to make the digital more convenient over retail. Right now there is the fear that if your 3ds breaks you lose your games I really want to think that since the game purchase get linked with your club Nintendo that is not the case) and also usually Nintendo consoles have retro-compatibility. With physical copies if you upgrade you most likely will still be able to play those physical 3DS titles.

Now, for me so far this is my physical games collection:
  • Super street Fighter IV 3D edition
  • Rayman 3D
Those above are the ones I own. Yeah, I was expecting to type more titles too.
Thanks to my room mate I can have a taste of more titles that we both enjoy, maybe at some point I'll get my own copies for some of them. My roommate is the main force behind our game purchases.
  • #25
I like buying the physical copy most of the time, but for sand-box &/or life simulator kind of games, I find more convenient the digital download so it is always readily available. That and Zelda games. I think there are still obstacles to make the digital more convenient over retail. Right now there is the fear that if your 3ds breaks you lose your games I really want to think that since the game purchase get linked with your club Nintendo that is not the case) and also usually Nintendo consoles have retro-compatibility. With physical copies if you upgrade you most likely will still be able to play those physical 3DS titles.

Now, for me so far this is my physical games collection:
  • Super street Fighter IV 3D edition
  • Rayman 3D
Those above are the ones I own. Yeah, I was expecting to type more titles too.
Thanks to my room mate I can have a taste of more titles that we both enjoy, maybe at some point I'll get my own copies for some of them. My roommate is the main force behind our game purchases.

Well, coming soon:

I'm Kaynil!
And I'm his roommate!
And we are the...
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  • #26
I like buying the physical copy most of the time, but for sand-box &/or life simulator kind of games, I find more convenient the digital download so it is always readily available. That and Zelda games. I think there are still obstacles to make the digital more convenient over retail. Right now there is the fear that if your 3ds breaks you lose your games I really want to think that since the game purchase get linked with your club Nintendo that is not the case) and also usually Nintendo consoles have retro-compatibility. With physical copies if you upgrade you most likely will still be able to play those physical 3DS titles.

Now, for me so far this is my physical games collection:
  • Super street Fighter IV 3D edition
  • Rayman 3D
Those above are the ones I own. Yeah, I was expecting to type more titles too.
Thanks to my room mate I can have a taste of more titles that we both enjoy, maybe at some point I'll get my own copies for some of them. My roommate is the main force behind our game purchases.

You are correct in your words. No one wants to have their 3DS broken and then lose access to playing their games that they would be playing on it.
  • #27
I own 6 3DS retail games

I have Pokemon X , Super Mario 3D Land , New Super Mario Bros 2 , Scribblenauts Unmasked DC Super Heros , Pokemon Rumble Blast and Kid Icarus Uprising
  • #28
My games:

Shin Megami Tensei 4
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity
Pokemon Y
Pokemon X
Fire Emblem: Awakening
some Harvest Moon game
Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance
Brain Age: Concentration Training
Etrian Odyssey: Legends of the Titan
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  • #29
I've got two retail games at the moment. They're Kid Icarus: Uprising and Fire Emblem: Awakening. I might decide to take advantage of downloadable games more often though (especially with those like Dual Destinies which won't have physical copies -_-)
  • #30
I only have Fire Emblem: Awakening digital, because I wanted to get it on the release. I like retail games more, and I don't want to buy a bigger SD card. So I just buy them at a shop. I also like it more to have a game card and box and the other stuff :p

My games:

Shin Megami Tensei 4
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity
Pokemon Y
Pokemon X
Fire Emblem: Awakening
some Harvest Moon game
Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance
Brain Age: Concentration Training
Etrian Odyssey: Legends of the Titan
Do you like Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infintity? I played the other Pokemon Mystery Dungeon games and I really liked them (especially the story :)) but I read some reviews and they weren't very positive. But do you recommend it?
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  • #31
Do you like Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infintity? I played the other Pokemon Mystery Dungeon games and I really liked them (especially the story :)) but I read some reviews and they weren't very positive. But do you recommend it?
I don't have Gates to Infinity but what I will say is that it doesn't have all the pokemon from past gens like the Mystery Dungeon games usually do, so that's kinda disappointing......
  • #32
I have Street Fighter, both of the Zelda's, Ridge Racer, Star Fox, and Super Mario 3D Land. They are all really good, and some of the best handheld games I have played in there respective categories.
  • #33
i only own one boxed game. i prefer downloads because i tend to lose things and i cant loose digital copys
  • #34
1. Ocarina of Time 3D
2. Super Street Fighter 4 3D
3. Kid Icarus Uprising
That's it for physical copies, I don't have any digital retail games but a plethora of Downloaded titles and DS games. And I'm Borrowing Dream Drop Distance from a friend right now if that counts.
  • #35
I own: (My favorite games are at the top)
  • Mario Kart 7
  • The Sims 3
  • Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity
  • Green Lantern: Rise of the Manhunters
  • Lego Star Wars III
  • Pokemon Y
  • 3D Classics: Urban Championship (Or something like that, I forgot the name)
  • #36
Well i only have 4 games, and they are: Street Fighter 4, Nintendogs+Cats, Kid Icarus Uprising, and Pokemon White 2, i do want to get more 2 games : Pokemon Y, and Bravely Default , i really want those two they look epic.
  • #37
None. I buy all of my games on the eShop.

I own 15 full games on it, though.
  • #38
1. Mario Kart 7
2. Mario Tennis Open
3. Tetris Axis
  • #39
i have 3
2 Mario and luigi dream team
3 Lego Batman 2 DC super heros
btw i have pokemon Y downloaded
  • #40
The retail games that I have are Monster Hunter 3, Animal Crossing:New Leaf, Shin Megami Tensei IV, Fire Emblem:Awakening, Pokemon X, Pokemon Y. I'm planning to buy more, so I can add them in my collection, unfortunately, there are no new releases yet that interests me. Maybe Bravely Default or Monster Hunter 4. :)