How Often Do You Send Letters to Animal Neighbors?

  • Thread starter Corey
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  • #41
I only send letters to the animals that are my friends, though their responses are hilarious. I don't mind that I'm sending letters to NPCs, at least they answer back unlike my siblings :( who just trash the letters.

Fun note, if you befriend a animal of the opposite gender of yourself and ask them to be your Valentine in a letter a day before Valentine's Day they will give you gift on Valentine's Day.;)
  • #42
I use to send a lot of letters to my villagers, along with oranges (I have hoped if I sent oranges they might send me another fruit back XD All they did send me though was more oranges lol). I've kind of slacked on doing that lately though ;^_^ Maybe I need to start sending them some more letters now that I have a little more time to play on my 3DS with school getting back in (I have a lot of time in between my college classes).
  • #43
I stopped playing for some time because I got busy with college activities but I used to do it weekly if I remember well.
  • #44
Back in Wild World, I would send letters to my favorite villagers constantly. In New Leaf, I don't really send them that much. Unless I want furniture. LOL
  • #45
Never... I feel slightly guilty now.
  • #46
When I used to play Animal Crossing New Leaf I send one animal a letter everyday if I remember. I send a present everytime I send a letter. I usually send a Fruit like a apple, ugly furniture, or a gyroid. I never got a picture of a animal before so like if you cry evertim :cry:. I wonder how you get an animals picture so easily. I stopped playing animal crossing new leaf but I will like to know:chicken:
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  • #47
I don't send letters until they ask me to, then I'll write a long stupid one that they always love for some reason xD
  • #48
I don't really send letters, granted it's one way to get fruits from other places. But my problem is it's just the same non intellectual responces. I could send a letter about Idunno, being in hospital and they could send a letter back about eating cake or something. It is a feature Nintendo should try to improve apon
  • #49
I actually send letters for no reason, like when someone gives you a shirt by mistake. xD
  • #50
You know, sending letters to neighbors isn't a thing I frequently do...
I'll do it sometimes, and it's fun to get responses back!
I remember back when I played Wild World I would send lots of hate mail to Alli the Alligator, only to get thanks you responses back. (I really didn't like her)
Sometimes when I'm clearing out my closet I will send them things, but I don't think they appreciated it too much. Back in Wild World when there was a recycling bin in town hall, I would often find the gifts I sent to my neighbors!:cry:
But yeah, I still send mail every once in a while if I'm bored!
  • #51
Never, pretty much xD I know you can manipulate villagers to decorate their houses with items you send them in letters so I might give it a go sometime, most of the default house designs are ugly lol.
  • #52
meh I don't really play the game anymore but I do wonder what everyone's been up to while I was gone *pictures the entire town with skulls around the place* I think I'm a bad mayor
  • #53
Never, :bag:

I totally forgot that existed >.<

That thought never even crossed my mind. I feel like it's pointless tho, cause the reply is a random-computerized letter. :3 But then again, it could be fun looking at what they reply compared to what you sent :p ...Maybe >.<
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  • #54
I don't, but it's pretty cool how they give you back stuff, I'll probably go for them when I have un-used furniture. I always found it dumb writing to them, they always seem super satisfied, even when you tell them to die in a hole XP They want to show it to everyone and it's VERY important to them.
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  • #55
I don't send letters often, I don't at all actually unless it's for a story purpose like in the tutorial. Other than that I don't send letters to other villagers, I can't really see why anyone would but I can see that it's fun for others though. It's just not really enjoyable to me.
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  • #56
I only do it to get the medal from it and then after that I don't send letters as much. Less it's to get some kind of fruit that I need and can only get by sending letters then I mostly stop sending letters off to the animals after a while. I do like leaving letters for others tho when I go to visit people in their town once in a while.
  • #57
I don't play my two animal crossing games very often cause I stay busy everyday, but I'll play my 3DS at anytime I can!
  • #58
I just send letters to get the medals, otherwise to me it's just a waste of money kinda..

I write the most random letters I can and don't spend that much time actually writing them :p
  • #59
I only sent letters to my favourite villager Mott. But I'm really lazy. This is legit what my letters say

Dear Mott
Hi take a gift

Then I send him something I don't use anymore like a shirt
  • #60
One letter for each villager. If there are new villagers, I just give them letters with presents. I always ask ask them how they are and they right back with a completely different response that I should be expecting. I knew from that point that sending letters seems pointless. Presents that come with letters were also useless. But, that's just me being negative about this letter system