If you could be any Zelda character, Who would it be?

  • Thread starter supergamer368
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  • #21
I'd really love to be Link obviously :p It'd be really epic and awesome to adventure around different lands and exploring through dungeons and places to save people :p And to fight bosses and beasts really makes being Link something very adventurous to me :3
  • #22
Young Link:chicken::chicken:
  • #23
I would be Saria because she is so kindhearted to others. That, and she is the Forest Saige. I'm kind of an environment freak, so it would be a fitting role to be her. Plus she is my favorite character in OoT. I would also go for Zelda. I would get to hold so much power, and, wear a pretty dress(I like dresses that go past my shins and floaf about when I swiftly turn around)
  • #24
I would be Ganondorf. Not only would I be king of an all female race, I would also have the triforce of power and use it to my advantage. And really, who wouldn't want to be in a majority of the LoZ games, exclusively as the leading villain. Also, no other villain has been revived so many times.
  • #25
Midna cuz she can teleport to wherever.
She can also transform into a huge tentacle monster because of the shadow mask.
Gets to ride a freaken wolf! Whips her hair back and forth to kill enemies.
Princess of Twilight :D
Mark :)
  • #26
I would be Link as well, but I would specifically like to be either Link from LTTP or Child Link from OOT and MM.

In the former's case, Link got to go on four big adventures and collect a myriad of items and plunder lots of dungeons. He also got to meet 2 Maku trees, 2 Oracles, a whale, and of course the titular princess.

In Child Link's case, he had the unique experience of learning what it is to be an adult well before he became one, as well as information to stop the Big Bad from destroying everything. His experience pays off in Majora's Mask where he is able to do things he could only do as an adult, like ride Epona and use a Bow and Arrow.

If I had to pick between the two, Child Link because unfortunately Link in LTTP is in the Downfall timeline.
  • #27
I would be link, me and him are really alike. we both love adventure (him irl, me in video game) xD we love money! We both like green. Also he is just awesome at killing monsters and solving puzzles. Oh and we both can't talk to girls no matter what xD Well... he can't talk at all. Maybe he's just scared? Maybe he doesn't have the triforce of courage. Maybe his self-esteem is low because people keep calling him a Zelda, a girls name.
  • #28
Oh and we both can't talk to girls no matter what xD Well... he can't talk at all. Maybe he's just scared? Maybe he doesn't have the triforce of courage.
Haha, that's very true and ironic! I'm a bit timid myself among others to be honest, but I try to stay courageous nonetheless!

I would love to be Link, specifically from Spirit Tracks, as I am aiming to become an engineer, just like the Link in that game is. But he's also a good puzzle-solver and monster decimator. Too much awesome within one package.
  • #29
I would like to be Tingle. Even though I am a 35 year old, at least I have the capability to draw my own map and make a somewhat good fortune out of them. I would even have the courage of Link to travel into places such as Ikana Canyon and Termina Field.
  • #30

I support villains
  • #31
A would be a Sheikah. Who wouldn't want to be part of a ninja-like race that also happen to be proficient with magic? Just because of that, I'm currently using Sheik in a For Glory match and I'm going to try and main her. It may also be my foundness of white characters. And apparently, it is debated if there are any male Sheikah. So yeah, new experiences.
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  • #32
Link so I can break everyone's pots and get some sweet rupees and shout "HYYAH!" all over again (and of course there is all that adventure stuff)
Because playing Legend of Zelda games is fun then being the character you play as must also be fun because you have actually made through all that stuff as him
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  • #33
I would want to play as the moon from Majora's Mask, because who wouldn't want to play as the thing that scarred so many childhoods. It's also from one of my favourite games, and that's an added bonus for this character. And the moon can crush Termina any time it wants.
  • #34
I'd be Ravio, mooching off of the hero by staying at his place without permission and selling him junk XD it's actually a really good way to make money, and the bunny suit, and IT'S PURPLE! -shoutout to purple Link not being in Tri-force Heroes- Honestly, Ravio lived a pretty good life in Hyrule XD
  • #35
dark link I'd be evil and everyone who said they'd be link would get the blame
  • #36
Mine would have to be Link because I would like to be the hero that's in every single Legend of Zelda game that I know about and he has nice clothing and I really want to wield the legendary blade: The Blade of Evil's Bane(AKA The Master Sword)
  • #37
Well link duh.
I think most guys would want to be link and even some girls might want to. He has all those amazing weapons is a hero gets the girl , can time travel, can change who he is just by putting on a mask, he is friends with the weirdest and coolest people in the world and he gets to fight monsters from the underworld like every day!
  • #38
I would be Young Link from Majora's Mask, my favorite game. It would be fun to use all the masks and help everyone in Termina. The only bad thing would be the moon and Skull Kid. And Them.
  • #39
Probably imp Midna since she is waifu for laifu
  • #40
I would be the couko, because I have an entire army of chickens at my disposal. No one can touch me, not even link.
Except if you're on Koholint island and he has magic powder/the magic rod