Last game I bought was "Pilotwings:Resort" for 3ds. Its a nice relaxing game.
I'm Not A Pikachu
Towns Folk
I bought Oblivion for my PS3. I guess I was a few years late.
I also recently bought Majora's Mask 3DS.
Still annoyed...
Towns Folk
Story of Seasons ^^
Writing- 'n-Drawing-aholic
Towns Folk
Crimson Shroud I think. Not too sure. Most games I got were given to me (birthday), free (CN gave me 2 games) or won in competitions /give-aways. I think by now I bought three in total.
Not much, just killing dragons and eating gods
Towns Folk
Soul Sacrifice Delta and... PERSONA 4 GOLDEN *-----*
I'm so happy to play this version after all those years wondering "who the hell is Marie?"
Dragon Lord
Nintendo 3DS Legend
Towns Folk
Etrian Mystery Dungeon
Just have to wait for it to arrive this weekend. Can't wait to play it.
AC:NL - The Villager
Towns Folk
Last bought game is Fire Emblem Awakening on 3Ds. Damn, the game is very good with many strategic options. The marriage adds more spice to the game. Although I haven't seen a couple having a baby. Spoiler!: except Marth of Chrom. Currently saving for MH4u Digital version.
Lotad Lover
Lover of the mighty Lotad god.
Towns Folk
Last game I bought was Nes remix for wii u. I got my wii u recently, which was the wind waker pack. I registered the wii u to club nintendo and that gave me just enough points to buy it, so I downloaded it as I couldn't find anything better.
liam macd
New Kid on the Block
Towns Folk
The MultiLPDude
Towns Folk
FNAF3. And I'm not a weebu for it. I play casually
Nintendo 3DS Legend
Towns Folk
Smash Bros for the 3DS at launch. Yes, it's really been that long. You can see how long it's been since I last bought a game, haha.
Pokemon Master
Towns Folk
I haven't bought a game for a while so its hard to remember. What I can remember on the top of my head is Pokémon ORAS with my sister. butt I did buy Monoply for Xbox one so IDK. My favorite XXXXXbox game has to be assassin creed unity for XBOX 1.
Nintendo 3DS Legend
Towns Folk
The last game I bought was Uncharted Golden Abyss. That game is for the ps vita. That game has amazing graphics. The controls are also very easy to use. I do not really like the combat in the game because in some fights you have to use the touch screen. I also like how you can use guns in the game. There are many different types of guns in this game. I suggest this game to anybody who is a fan of Sony.