Last game you bought?

  • Thread starter Mikaya
  • Start date
  • #161
mario 3
  • #162
Counter Strike: Global Offensive!
  • #163
Square Enix Humble Bundle, so a bunch of games actually!
  • #164
Sonic Lost World! Amazing game, at first I was afraid I would have finished as quick as I went through Sonic Generations (lasted for about a week), but the game turned out to be a lot harder than expected, which made it even more fun to play! :D
  • #165
It was Kingdom Hearts 2 for the ps2.
  • #166
Sims 4 sale
  • #167
Infamous: Second Son and Last of Us: Remastered.
  • #168
South Park: Stick of Truth
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Reactions: FreakyStyley
  • #169
technically got it for free, but i did buy it with playcoins so super mario 3d land
  • #170
The last game I bought was Eversion on Steam. It's a fun but short game, but a super cool platformer with jaunty music and really cute graphics! One heck of a twist. 10/10 do play.
  • #171
The most recent game I bought was Epic Mickey on the Wii.I personally think the game is great so far from what I've played of it.Before that,the lastest games I bought this year were Super Mario World and Kirby's Dream Land 3 on the Wii U Virtual Console and Hotel Dusk Room 215 on the DS(both great games as well,but SMW is mostly a classic). :)
Super Smash Bros. For 3DS and SSB for Wii U don't count since I got them as late Christmas gifts,and not games I bought myself. :panda:
  • #172
If we are not counting the Mario kart dlc pack (which I bought With CN stars), it would be the Metroid prime trilogy. In my opinion it is a must have game for the Wii U, because it has so much content to offer, it is cheap, and it is a trilogy. A trilogy means that there are 3 games in the package, so that adds more playtime to Your Money. I could go on and on about how great the games are, but I rather save that for another time.
  • #173
last games i got were
yakusa dead souls for the ps3
super smash brothers for the 3ds and
megaman 9 on the ps3
  • #174
OlliOlli 2: Welcome to Olliwood and Valiant Hearts: The Great War
  • #175
Mario Party 10
  • #176
Last game I bought was SteamWorld Dig. For a game with a lot of content, but a relatively short story, it was way better than I expected it to be. Depleting mines and obtaining artifacts has a surprising fun-factor to it. xD
  • #177
well, i bought mario kart 8, was kinda cool but kinda easy to. i just thought it would be a Little bit hard tan the last one
  • #178
I got Bloodborne. Oooooooooooooooooooooooooo my goodness.
  • #179
I think it was Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D. I had never played the 3DS version and I'm liking it a whole lot.
  • #180
i have bought alse fifa 2013, and the best one was skylandres swap forcé, with the platform and all the stuff. i already bought a bunch of mini toys to use them on the virtual platform, game is really great and allucinating. maybe i am going to buy the skylanders trap team some of these days. ill let you know guys