Last game you bought?

  • Thread starter Mikaya
  • Start date
  • #201
GTA V, The Crew and Driveclub on PS4
  • #202
The last game that i bought for my Xbox 360 was Geometry Wars 3 Dimensions Evolved, is the best shooter that i ever played
I want the mobile edition for Windows Phone :cry::(
  • #203
Xenoblade Chronicles on 3DS!
  • #204
the las game i bought was Kingdom Hearts 3D, i'm enjoying it a lot, the same day i got it i also got some amiibos, the amiibos just launched in my country, i manaegd to get my hands on Sonic, Sheik and Samus
  • #205
Azure Striker Gunvolt on 3DS.
  • #206
The last game I bought myself?
Legendary Starfy for like 3 bucks.
  • #207
The very last game that I honestly purchased was GTA V. I don't think that I've purchased a video game in quite a while.
  • #208
Batman arkham knight
  • #209
The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt for PS4 (along with bonus content such as detailed world map, stickers, soundtrack etc.).
  • #210
Pokemon Mystery dungeon: Explorers of Sky (DS). I was surprised to see it! a hidden gem, and it had to be mine! xD
  • #211
Bravely Default!
  • #212
Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate. It was a pretty good purchase I'd say. I've been playing it nonstop. I haven't eaten for days, and I can't feel my face. My parents are going to kick me out of the house, and I've been so focused on this game that I haven't had the time to make a portfolio for a job. Im about to run out of batteries and I can't afford any more. I've cut off all friends and family to dedicate more time for obtaining G-rank. Send help plz
  • #213
Saints Row 2-4, Return to Castle Wolfenstein, The New Order and Old Blood.

I've spent like three days total game time playing Saints row, barely got started with the Wolfensteins.
  • #214
Ahh memories... mine was Pokemon alpha sapphire then alpha sapphire (I lost my first one in a move I lost all of my shiny Pokemon and events)! So I bought a new one and almost have more data then before trying to complete my dex now and these are some good games listed here I'm basically just a Pokemon can only unless it's a game I might like.
  • #215
Last game I bought was Battlefield 4 on the PS3. Man, I'm loving it more than any game right now! I'm always top 3 in my team in every match and Im only Rank 20!!! I am totally going to buy Battlefield Hardline!
  • #216
I bought both KH 1.5 and 2.5 off of Amazon the other day on a whim, enjoying KH 1 so far. Running feels a bit clunky but eh.

Also eShop games because I'm an addict
  • #217
I brought the humble bundle with DayZ and Arma2(oa.)
  • #218
Dragon Fantasy: The Volumes of Westeria for Wii U.
  • #219
Just got Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate for the 3DS. I can't wait to play if with friends.
  • #220
Sword Art Online:Re Fragments for the ps4 and Shovel Knight for 3ds bought them on the same day so it counts.