Last game you bought?

  • Thread starter Mikaya
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  • #261
Poptropica: Forgotten islands is the last game I got and I got it really cheap. Despite it's bright colorful and cartoonish graphics it lacks an actual story because all you in the game is retrieve random items to other islanders like a dog. I thought the game was kinda boring because I like games with story like stella glow and I like stories even if they are wacky like Parappa the rapper. I would rate this 8/10 stars.

  • #262
FF7 is an amazing game, but i dont think it would have had that epic feel by playing it on a PC.
It was cheap. Only $6.
  • #263
It was cheap. Only $6.

thats pretty cheap, have fun with it. Its one of the best rpg's ever. I bet on the pc you can boost the graphics of it some. I remember when i first played it, the christmas that it came out. i thought it was the greatest thing ever. it has one epic story. enjoy
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  • #264
Pes 2012 for 2$ for sale :/
  • #265
Minecraft story mode for pc!
  • #266
The last game I got was God of War Collection but I haven't been able to play it because I have a massive backlog of games that I have to get through and only just now have even begun to scratch the surface of.
  • #267
The last game I bought was the binding of Isaac for wii u. I think it's really good I recommend this for people who love some good lore and a good shooting game.

  • #268
ps3 gta5 a month after release, atleast if we're not talking about 3ds games. I played other games since than but didn't need to buy them (by promotions, friends, etc) and they where on pc. Ow now thinking about it reaper of souls, a dlc for diablo3, thats the last thing i bought.
  • #269
The Uncharted Remastered Edition
  • #270
Xenoblade Chronicles and the PC port of Final Fantasy 7 on PS4.
  • #271
I bought Assassin's Creed: Rogue and Assassin's Creed: Unity earlier today >.</
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  • #272
I bought Assassin's Creed: Rogue and Assassin's Creed: Unity earlier today >.</

Ha, speaking of Assassin's Creed, I just Assassin's Creed Chronicles: China. Super cheap on PSN right now. Thought it looked interesting.
  • #273
Samsh bros
  • #274
Fast Racing Neo! I am really enjoying it so far. However, the controls will take a bit of time for me to get used to before I can actually progress in a race for more than 10 seconds. >_<
  • #275
Last game I bought was DkC: TF I think. Too lazy to remember. Last thing I bought was Cloud for smash
  • #276
Me mind raft storymode episode one for phone before that episode 4 of story mode I'm guilty
  • #277
I didn't buy it but Harmonix sent me a review code for Amplitude.

Not sure what to think so far. I like the idea of switching between drums/guitar/bass/synth/vocals, but it's essentially impossible to keep a streak going on advanced or expert because the next sequence comes so fast. Also when you switch between sounds, you can hear whichever sound you're doing a lot clearer than the others; don't necessarily like this either. I just want to hear the music. Don't need it to be muffled at times.
  • #278
Fire Emblem: Awakening, I guess most of you already know it so I won't explain what it is about :p, all I have to say is that it's been pretty awesome so far.
  • #279
Last game I bought was Borderlands 2, which was also my first physical game on vita. Holy crap it is awesome though. I have been obsessively playing it this week, with very little else done. I mean, it's the entirety of Borderlands 2, and most of the dlc is included too (it's missing Sir Hammerlock's Hunt and Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep, which sucks, but has everything else). It DOES have issues though. The frame rate can be a mess, especially when you're in the Crimson raiders HQ for some reason, or whenever there's tons of action on screen, the touch controls are a tad awkward, and worst of all the game will frequently freeze, and I have to reset the system. The last one keeps happening at the worst of times ;-; I can look over the issues though, because holy friggin crap it's borderlands on a handheld
  • #280
The last games i brought were ds games today at gamestop Kirbys dreamland 2 and mario kart 8 they are also some of the best games ever created that i have played