Last game you bought?

  • Thread starter Mikaya
  • Start date
  • #281
I just bought Alpha Sapphire and am still waiting for it to come in so I can play it. I've been kind of hesitant to get any of the games later than Pokemon Pearl. Skipped out on X and Y and when Alpha Sapphire and Omega Ruby came out I was still unsure about ordering them. I guess the idea of all the new Pokemon's coming out scares me haha. Anyway, I ordered it and its coming in on Monday.

Kind of excited/nervous to play it. I hope its going to be good. If not then I guess I'll give it to my younger brother lol.
  • #282
GameStop has B2G1 on pre-owned stuff so I decided to buy Assassin's Creed Unity and Resident Evil Revelations 2, with Assassin's Creed Black Flag being the game I picked out for free. Also I bought Syndicate with a Best Buy gift card I got.
  • #283
I just bought Gears of War: Ultimate Edition for the Xbox One. Pretty sick game!

Also ordered TLoZ: ALBW but haven't received it yet.
  • #284
Minecraft Story Mode for Android.
Not that I was interested but it only cost 0.09€...
  • #285
Punch-Out!! for Wii. Soon, It'll change to Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon.
  • #286
Not counting Last Window-Secret of Cape West and Kingdom Hearts 3D,as I received them as Christms gifts,I bought Mario Tennis Ultra Smash with the money my grandparents sent me.
I do not find the game to be as low-rated as some would point it out to be(and that comes from someone who did play Mario Power Tennis on the Wii and liked it a lot),although the game does have some issues on certain merits.Generaly though,I do find it pretty fun to play from time to time. :p
  • #287
I recently got the Jak & Daxter Trilogy for Vita, PoPoLoCrois for PSP (soo cute!), Okamiden and Mystery Dungeon - Shiren the Wanderer for DS, Final Fantasy X-2 for PS2 and, last for XBox 360, Duke Nukem Forever (as a kid I loved Duke Nukem games) and the Collector Edition of Enslaved.
For now I've only tried the first Jak & Daxter game and PoPoLoCrois; great games! :)
  • #288
The last game I bought was Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate. I love the game but to be completely honest I stood in Gamestop for like 45 minutes debating between that one and Xenoblade Chronicles for the 3ds.
  • #289
Splatoon and Smash U last Christmas.

I hope they last the whole year (since I am saving for a PS4)
  • #290
Last game i bought for my 3DS is Steamworld Dig. Last game i bought on Steam was Risk of Rain and Burnout Paradise. Pretty good games :D
  • #291
Final Fantasy Explorers for the 3DS.
  • #292
I bought Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 and 2.5 ReMIX about two months ago.
  • #293
The last game I bought? Well that would be 3 games! NSMB1, NSMBU + NSLU and One Finger Death Punch on steam
  • #294
The last game i bought was assassins creed syndicate (pc) i really enjoy the series and im a huge fan of it, also after that i won firewatch, i dont know if that counts but back to assassins creed, i almost bought assassins creed 4 black flag at the same day, i ended up buying it a bit earlier
  • #295
The last game I bought was Octodad since it was on sale.

If we talk about retail games, I bought both Super Mario Maker and Xenoblade Chronicles X at the end of January (before that was Yoshi Wolly Wood iin November)
  • #296
Pokemon alpha sapphire
  • #297
I bought Digimon Cyber Sleuth when it was released, pretty awesome game.
  • #298
The last game I bought was Star Wars: Battlefront. I was really excited for it and it looked amazing. I remember loving Battlefront 2 alot when I used to play it on my friend's PS2. I was also going to play it with a friend but he still hasn't bought it for me, and after playing it tons for a couple weeks I lost interest in it a bit.. If my friend ends up getting it but I'll pick it up again but as of now I'd say it was overhyped and not as good as it seemed. It's still pretty damn good though, you just need lots of time to play it.
  • #299
I just bought the Megaman Legacy Collection on my PS4. :D
  • #300
titanfall 20 dallar deluxe edition with comple up to date content 360