• Thread starter Ritardando
  • Start date
  • #101
"Hey Sky i wonder how long this place will be safe." Azura said fed up with moving around.
  • #102
Could i be a eevee? reading back on the story i think there was already a eevee though right?
(If you want, you can be that Eevee, because Sky just sorta brought with them then forgot about it XD so may as well be in the plot.
Or you can make a new character, either way. )
  • #103
"Hey Sky i wonder how long this place will be safe." Azura said fed up with moving around.
Probably not long, with our luck... Ugh, why are those weirdos in the outfits even doing this?"
  • #104
(If you want, you can be that Eevee, because Sky just sorta brought with them then forgot about it XD so may as well be in the plot.
Or you can make a new character, either way. )
Ok i will be that eevee :cat: ill wait until a good moment to jump into the story with you : 3
  • #105
While they were walking to the Pokemon center Azura stepped on Eevee's tail "I'm so sorry Eevee i just forgot you were here."
  • #106
*Jumps up screaming in a painful tone VEE! * ow that really hurt :(
  • #107
"Well at least we're going to a Pokémon Center." Azura sighed.
  • #108
(Oops forgot this existed)
"Well, I hope we can finally have some peace once we get to the Pokemon center," Sky said, clearly annoyed at this point.

They arrived at the Center, giving their Pokemon and Eevee over to Nurse Joy to heal them. "Thanks!" Azura and Sky shouted back. Sky went to sit on a couch while waiting for Nurse Joy to give their Pokemon back.

"Hey, Azura, check this out." Sky pointed at a television. It showed the same people they had seen earlier in the uniforms who were supposedly trying to capture Kyogre. It wasn't just them, though. Others wore a similar uniform, but red with flame symbols on it. A few wore black suits with red R's on them. A reporter was talking about how several unknown organizations were wreaking havoc across the region.
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  • #109
*gets taken away by Nurse Joy to get healed*
  • #110
"Tell us some thing we don't know." Azura muttered when he heard the reporter.
  • #111
Nurse Joy came back with the Pokemon. "Alright, Better get going."
  • #112
"Huh? Oh...so where do we go now? Should we be heroes and take these guys on or just avoid them?" Azura asked Sky after they had their Pokemon back.
  • #113
"You guys aren't really that quiet," A person said walking over too them. "My name is Eric. This is my parter Feraligatr. You mind if I join you?"
  • #114
"Well it's not like i was trying to be quiet." Azura replied.
  • #115
"Eric, are you trying to take them down? We haven't decided yet what we're gonna do about it."
  • #116
"That's beside the point. The point is that I want to join you on this trip."
  • #117
"I think he just wants to travel with us because i have Blaze..." Azura cut himself off.
  • #118
"I mean, I'm fine with it. What about you Azura?"
  • #119
Eric regarded Blaze. "No, it because I got really bored in Johto. Nothing to do, nowhere to see..."
  • #120
"I'm still a little uncertain. I mean who would just jump into a stranger's conversation like that?" Azura whispered to Sky