• Thread starter Ritardando
  • Start date
  • #141
"Let's just keep moving."
  • #142
"Race you!" Eric told Azura. "Togekiss! Come on out!"

"Toge, togekiss!"
Eric jumped on Togekiss. "To the buildings!"
  • #143
"Let's go Blaze!" Azura and Blaze blasted past Eric and Toge. "Cya later Eric!"
  • #144
"Well, well. If it isn't my old friend," Eric said looking at the Dragonite soaring below Togekiss. "Togekiss, return!" Eric put Togekiss back in his Pokeball. He dropped on to the Dragonite. "Hey Lance! Kick it up a notch!"

"Hello Eric, nice to see you again. But enough chitchat. DRAGONITE! EXTREME SPEED!" Lance yelled as Dragonite sped past Azura and Blaze.
  • #145
Azura just gaped.
Sky finally managed to get out "You know Lance?! The Dragon Champion?!"
  • #146
"What can I say!" Eric laughed. "It's a long story!"
  • #147
"We've got time!" Sky eagerly replied
  • #148
Eric and Lance were already at the city.
  • #149
Sky finally reached the city on foot, panting.
  • #150
"Took you long enough!" Eric laughed. "Anyways, the tournament isn't till tomorrow and Lance just went to check out the trainers in the tournament. Let's go get you guys all signed up eh?"
  • #151
Azura slapped Eric twice. "You cheated."
  • #152
"OK, whatever. Will you please just tell us the story!" Sky was jittering with excitement.
  • #153
"We need to get you guys signed up, come on!" Eric said leading them to the sign up board.

"Some mighty trainers here... This should be an interesting tournament," Lance declared.
  • #154
"If Lance says they're mighty, I'm in!" Azura states confidently
  • #155
"All right! Muddy, Haze, Blaze, and Salad let's win this!" Azura told his 4 pokemon that he was entering.
  • #156
"Salad?" Lance questioned.
  • #157
"I couldn't think of good names for salamance. Also i was hungry." Azura answered.
  • #158
"Ohhh... Well, Whatever makes you happy!"
  • #159
"Alright, you just have to write your four Pokemon, make sure it's the Pokemon's name and not it's nickname, your hometown and region and of course, your FULL name. Like this."

Name: Eric Cire Foro
Hometown: New Bark Town, Johto
Pokemon: Feraligatr, Togekiss, Mamoswine, Snorlax
  • #160
Name: Azura Flonne Sky. (we really need to stop referencing our RP characters.)
Hometown: Nimbasa city Unova.
Pokemon: Mudkip, Salamance, Haxorus, Reshiram.