• Thread starter Ritardando
  • Start date
  • #81
"Alright," she said. "What's Kyogre doing here though? It's normally peaceful"
  • #82
Azura thought about it for a minute. "maybe his primal instincts have awoken or something."
  • #83
"Maybe... Groudon too..."
  • #84
"Well hopefully Rayquaza stops them like it did long ago or we are pretty much all going to die." Azura then wondered what death is like.
  • #85
"Ok, well I guess we just have to wait here now?"
  • #86
"I don't see much else we can do..."
  • #87
"Wait do any of your Pokemon know fly? If one knows it we can leave."
  • #88
"Of course, Blaze does."
  • #89
"Of course, Blaze does."
What? I thought I was summoned...
Crap someone write me in
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Reactions: Anime-Tem
  • #90
"The only problem is... They're a fire type. What if Kyogre strikes out?"
  • #91
Suddenly, a spot far off in the distance becomes visible. Why it's- ok it's me no dramatic opening- riding a zapdos. "Hey, heard some trainers were standed in a pokemon center. Here, take this TM, teach it to Resherram, and get out of here! Follow me!" Blazingken throws down a TM. Protect.
  • #92
"I think we should listen to this guy. What about you Sky?"
  • #93
"Hey, I don't think we have much of a choice anyway." She shrugged. "Let's go."
  • #94
*is interested in this story well done* ^_^
  • #95
  • #96
  • #97
Alright, you can rp a grunt or a Pokemon or something)
  • #98
Could i be a eevee? reading back on the story i think there was already a eevee though right?
  • #99
The person who was the Eevee stopped commenting so i think it's ok if you are.
  • #100
Azura taught he TM to Blaze. Both of the trainers got on and rode to the nearest safest city.