Supreme Court rules in favor of same-sex marriage nationwide

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  • #41
If single parents can manage without much issues, I see no reason why same gender parents couldn't.
  • #42
Well, what you said and, while I was lucky enough to have a grandfather step in, not everyone is and a role model of the opposite gender of the parents is needed. Friends/Relatives (in most cases) can't be at the child's home all the time like parents are. That could create problems because the role model might not be able to be there when the child needs them most.

Well, I don't like to make things personal, but let's use me. I am being raised by a single father. I do not have female relatives or close female adults near me that I can talk too. I have sisters, but they no longer live with me and when they did our situation was not desirable. I was, for better or worse, raised by a man and I am a female.

If anything, the idea of gender roles has made things worse. My dad is a lovely man, and to a point, "feminine". He has taught me most of the things that would fit with the female gender role. He can sew, he can cook, he can clean, he can decorate a house nicely and the like. What I am missing out on is being taught things like what to do if a car breaks down, mowing the lawn, shovelling the drive way (I mean he lets me do that now but we had to argue about it for a long time) and those are things I should be taught as I'm not always going to have a guy their to do those things.

Have I had bumps in the road growing up because I don't have a mother? Sure. But it's not that big of a deal. I've turned out fine, in my opinion. And I would've turned out the same way had my father married a man and I was being brought up by two men.
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  • #43
I mean men should act like men because they were created that way, in a sense sane men don't have intercourse with men because they are polar opposites. Best logical example I could bring up is electrons and protons. They are both different, but when put together they attract, when both of the same are put together they repel.
Best argument I've heard (or maybe that's just because I like science :p).
Usually, people against homosexuality say that it's not natural, which is false, as @SunnyWindy pointed out.

So yeah, thanks for talking ^^
That was not enough to convince me but you're not me enemy at all now that I now you have reasons to stand your ground :)

edit I totally missed all other posts .-.
About bullies, yeah, kids like to bully other kids, for any reason as stated by others. Of course, giving them one more reason isn't a good thing. But just because they bully smart kids we should all be happy idiots ? Nope, so not a reason to have different gender parents either in my opinion.

And then again, they'd only bully kids with same-sex parents for a short period of time. Well ok, maybe I mean 10 years, the kind of time you have to wait after each big evolution (just see how many women went into politics over time). But after that, it will be seen as normal to have same-sex parents and there will be no reason to bully kids over that. Or if there is, it will be the same reason as why racists harass black people so big deal, ok, but not the fault of same-sex parents.

And about puberty, well ok, you can't exactly talk about your experience to your children if they are not the same gender, and you might not want to tell about your body to other people in your family. But there are doctors for that if you really want to talk to someone without being judged.
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  • #44
A man loving another man doesn't make him less manly you know? I have many gay friends and they are still really manly, and really NORMAL I'd say. If they didn't date another guy, I would never have guessed.

You are aware that even animals have homosexuality right? It's not... not natural. It's really natural and have been around the world since... since always!
I don't want to offense you in any way @SunnyWindy but if u aren't male then you wouldn't know from a male's perspective what manliness is. So if ur saying loving a man makes one less manly than how is that so? A man is defined by his personality, clothes, the way he walks and talks. Being gay makes one less manly since a gay person acts the opposite way a REAL man does, and that in the nature of humans (animals are not related in any way) isn't NORMAL.
  • #45
Well it's good news for me xD
I don't want to offense you in any way @SunnyWindy but if u aren't male then you wouldn't know from a male's perspective what manliness is. So if ur saying loving a man makes one less manly than how is that so? A man is defined by his personality, clothes, the way he walks and talks. Being gay makes one less manly since a gay person acts the opposite way a REAL man does, and that in the nature of humans (animals are not related in any way) isn't NORMAL.
I'm just gonna jump in here x3
Firstly, could I ask what your perspective of manliness is?

The definition of a man is someone that is male. That's it. A person's personality and characteristics, much less their clothes have nothing to do with it. There isn't any set rules for what a mans personality should be like, and what it shouldn't.

You're basically saying that 'real men' have to act and talk a certain way...but a female who, for instance, doesn't like wearing makeup--that doesn't make her any less of a woman, does it?

I should mention, that I'm gay and I'm pretty sure I don't act oppositely to you. I don't strut, walk around wearing rainbows everyday or talk in a high pitched voice--some gay people do whilst surprising a lot more don't. You can't categorise us as all being the same, and not being 'real' men just because of who we're attracted to ;-;
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  • #46
Firstly, could I ask what your perspective of manliness is?
As one of the most manly men I've ever met put it (in a hopefully kid friendly form), "Getting chicks and goin to work." :p

If single parents can manage without much issues, I see no reason why same gender parents couldn't.
I don't remember anybody saying that single parents can manage without issues.

Well, I don't like to make things personal, but let's use me. I am being raised by a single father. I do not have female relatives or close female adults near me that I can talk too. I have sisters, but they no longer live with me and when they did our situation was not desirable. I was, for better or worse, raised by a man and I am a female.

If anything, the idea of gender roles has made things worse. My dad is a lovely man, and to a point, "feminine". He has taught me most of the things that would fit with the female gender role. He can sew, he can cook, he can clean, he can decorate a house nicely and the like. What I am missing out on is being taught things like what to do if a car breaks down, mowing the lawn, shovelling the drive way (I mean he lets me do that now but we had to argue about it for a long time) and those are things I should be taught as I'm not always going to have a guy their to do those things.
Once again, you were lucky, most males aren't like that, so what if you had been raised by the average male?
  • #47
I said without much issues, not without issues at all. I have many friends who have been raised by single parents, and my mom raised my sister and I pretty much on her own as well.
  • #48
I said without much issues, not without issues at all. I have many friends who have been raised by single parents, and my mom raised my sister and I pretty much on her own as well.
But, still, it's better if the child is raised by two parents (preferably male and female).
  • #49
As one of the most manly men I've ever met put it (in a hopefully kid friendly form), "Getting chicks and goin to work." :p

I don't remember anybody saying that single parents can manage without issues.

Once again, you were lucky, most males aren't like that, so what if you had been raised by the average male?

What if I had? He would have known how to cook either way. As a single parent he has to be able to do that, regardless of his sex. Sewing isn't a big deal - he tried to teach me and I am horrible at it. Knowing how to properly clean and make a house nice isn't something only females can do - as a single parent those are things he had to know.

"Average" men can cook, clean, and take care of children just as well as a woman can. There are men who are fashion designers, home designers, and chefs just as there are women who are car mechanics, matience people, and other "manly" jobs.

The idea that women only know "womanly" things and men only know "manly" things is absurd and something we should work to change. If single parents can get along just fine, so can couples of the same sex.
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  • #50
What is this I see? People arguing that homosexuality isn't natural and is wrong? Oh my~

Seriously, I'd love it if some folks from Tumblr would come here. That would be hilarious. But seriously, gender roles are mainly stupid and so is saying that loving someone is wrong.
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  • #51
What is this I see? People arguing that homosexuality isn't natural and is wrong? Oh my~

Seriously, I'd love it if some folks from Tumblr would come here. That would be hilarious.
haha that's exactly what we need tbh xD

But seriously, gender roles are mainly stupid
one of the many things ouran high school host club taught me :p

also could I add, some people are really overreacting to Mississippi might ban marriage licenses altogether in order to avoid gay marriage. They might as well just bluntly say 'if homosexual couples can marry...then NOBODY can marry' I find it really childish and selfish ._.
  • #52
Not to get offtopic or anything, but why shoud people from Tumblr come here ? What's special about them ?
(Not a tumblr person so I don't know what's going on there).
  • #53
I am happy with the decision.

Not only do I have a few near and dear friends who this directly affects, but I also just always have felt like it was not right to control something like marriage. I think anyone should be able to marry anyone they love, regardless of gender.

I would feel differently if the marriage caused harm to others, but that is not the case. The argument that same sex couples can not raise a child as successfully is dull and incorrect. There are many different family types, and though not all are "ideal for optimal development" (coming from a psychology major in progress), that does not make any of them "wrong." Some children are raised by drug addicts, grandparents, single parents, adoptive parents, other family members, happy families, and troubled families. And some are raised by same sex couples. There is no argument.

From the perspective of homosexuality being a sin, I do not view it that way. Let me go ahead and say I am Christian, and I do not intend to offend anyone with this section of my post. I could go with the argument of all the other things in the old testament that are sins (pork, clothes, etc) and how it is not followed, or I could go with the argument involving the separation of church and state. But I'm going to go with this: Not only did Jesus never say a word about same-sex marriage, but the new testament doesn't touch on it directly either. Every time homosexuality is considered a sin in the bible, it is followed up with other things that are not considered sins, being sins. I should also probably point out that it says nothing about committed same-sex relationships, only lustful ones. The bible does not "clearly" define marriage as one man and a woman, because it also defines it as polygamous and other things I will not go into on this site. So to wrap that up, there can be arguments made about it being sinful all day, but no one is perfect regardless, right?

We also need to consider that even without same sex marriage, homosexuality would still occur. By allowing them to marry, we simply allow these couples to enjoy the benefits other couples do when they get married, which is only fair. These benefits include: hospital visitation (family only), financial and medical decisions, benefits (social security, military, medicare, and disability), joint adoption, child support and visitation in case of a divorce, family insurance, and so on.

Let it be.

Disclaimer: I pulled some of this from tumblr, as I am a "tumblr person". You rang?
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  • #54
Not to get offtopic or anything, but why shoud people from Tumblr come here ? What's special about them ?
(Not a tumblr person so I don't know what's going on there).
Basically there's a lot of social justice warriors on Tumblr who happen to be extremely hypocritical. But anyways, there are quite a few nice Tumblr people; heck, I used to browse Tumblr daily and still visit occasionally - only it's best to visit when you're apart of a fandom and aren't following people who reblog that social justice warrior kind of stuff all the freakin' time (which is hard to find, to be honest).
  • #55
What is this I see? People arguing that homosexuality isn't natural and is wrong? Oh my~

Seriously, I'd love it if some folks from Tumblr would come here. That would be hilarious. But seriously, gender roles are mainly stupid and so is saying that loving someone is wrong.
Oh, god.... If some SJWs came here, I have a feeling a few people might get banned xD

What if I had? He would have known how to cook either way. As a single parent he has to be able to do that, regardless of his sex. Sewing isn't a big deal - he tried to teach me and I am horrible at it. Knowing how to properly clean and make a house nice isn't something only females can do - as a single parent those are things he had to know.

"Average" men can cook, clean, and take care of children just as well as a woman can. There are men who are fashion designers, home designers, and chefs just as there are women who are car mechanics, matience people, and other "manly" jobs.

The idea that women only know "womanly" things and men only know "manly" things is absurd and something we should work to change. If single parents can get along just fine, so can couples of the same sex.
It's still best for the kid to have two parents, one being male and the other being female.
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  • #56
But why is that best?
  • #57
But why is that best?
Because it gives the child two role models, one of each gender, who's job it is to be there when the child needs something. As much as they may try, a male can't be a female and a female can't be a male.
  • #58
Because it gives the child two role models, one of each gender, who's job it is to be there when the child needs something. As much as they may try, a male can't be a female and a female can't be a male.

But why is it best for the child to have two role models of the opposite gender? Why is that so much better? People have been successful being raised by two people of the same gender, same as how people have been unsuccessful being raised by parents of the opposite gender.
  • #59
That's not even the question. The question is "why would two genders imply two role models ?"

edit see my post below
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  • #60
That's not even the question. The question is "why would two genders imply two role models ?"
This conversation, as far as I can tell, is assuming that both parents aren't crappy.

But why is it best for the child to have two role models of the opposite gender? Why is that so much better? People have been successful being raised by two people of the same gender, same as how people have been unsuccessful being raised by parents of the opposite gender.
Because the two genders are different.