Things you believed as a child

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  • #41
I used to believe that there was a man/woman controlling every stoplight on the road :p
  • #42
When I was a kid, I used to thought that I could fly and walk in the air, just like what I used to watch in local martial arts film. However, I find out it's not the case in real life, when injuring my legs while doing so :(
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  • #43
I was pretty naive when I was little so I believed in everything my parents said. Toothfairies, santa claus, st. Nikolas (we celebrate it on 6. December), everything. But I remember I stopped believing in Tooth Fairies when I found my old teeth in my mother's treasure chest. I wanted to put them under my pillow so I could get some more money but then it hit me. The box has my name on it. THOSE ARE MY TEETH WHAT THE HELL!? o.o
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  • #44
I remember when my parents used to tell me the boogey man will get me if I didn't listen at 5 years old and if you don't listen then your feet would get dragged Lol and also if I didn't listen to them and told lies that my nose would grow big :and if I didn't listen when I was five then I would have nightmares that are really scary and I actually believed them Lol.

I also beieved in the Tooth Fairy,Santa Claus, and etc Lol:0
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  • #45
Man, this discussion is getting great!

Let me see... I was pretty darn suggestible to movie monsters and the like - as if such creepy and/or corny creatures actually existed.

One Christmas Eve night in my late 5s, I thought I heard thumping coming from the roof. I chalked that up to reindeer idling while their master was inside the house, stealing our food and leaving behind suspicious boxes.

I also thought for awhile that the lottery was worth it. When I really got into math, however, I knew better.
  • #46
living even matters.


i used to think my parents were still married.

hold up

So, I used to think teachers made the candy Smarties for years. I used to have a teacher back in elementary who gave dozens out daily and a kid told me it's because they made them themselves. Don't know why I believed it.
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  • #47
I used to believe that someone pushed the windows of a car up and down when you pressed the button. I was at the top of be class as well _-_

I also believed that the sky was an upside down pond and that clouds were just white algae.

As well as the fact toy stuffed dog was real and could wander off in the middle of the night. My brother was horrible back then.

I didn't believe in Santa Claus but I did believe that elves made things like cars and shoes and other stuff.

  • #48
-I thougth that the espanish word"excitante" was a synonymous of "emocinante" because of the english word "exciting"
but it wasnt, i put that word in my homework and had problems with the teacher for putting that word XD
-I thougth that mummies could revive in any moment
  • #49
The boogeyman. I always though if you were bad, at night when you were sleeping, he'd sneak into your room and stuff live worms in your mouth. >.<

Also, i thought cartoons were real life because this one time when i was like 7, i said something and a cartoon character responded. And i ended up starting a full on conversation with my tv, not knowing it wasnt real XD
  • #50
Here, you can post interesting, quirky, funny things you believed as a child.

I used to believe that all glass was made of somehow solidified water. And the glass in one of the tables in my house was brown, so I thought it had been made with solidified muddy river water and that was why it was brown. Good times good times :)

What about you guys?
i remember thinking of the boogy man as a big macaroni guy with a jump suit and he was super tall with no face. so weird. i also remember thinking that toys had feeling and i was always nice to them and being nice to the toys more than my brother lol. i also remember praying and thinking that if i believe it can happen how dumb was i back than.
  • #51
I used to believe that pictures began to move in the night, very Harry Potter like (And at the time, I didn't know what Harry Potter was), and that I once went the entire night awake, without blinking. I thought that all cars had GPS built into them and whenever you were turning, the blinkers and the tiny green arrow would turn on.
  • #52
I didn't believe anything like folklore and such, but I do have my own delusional belief I remember some of them clearly and it was stupid.
  • #53
I believed there were certain positions people could die in and when you died, you immediately turned into a skeleton
  • #54
I believed that if I make friends I won't be bullied... yeah
  • #55
I used to believe in Santa...

Well... I still believe '-' Because I saw him
And time travel
  • #56
I used to believe in Santa...

Well... I still believe '-' Because I saw him
And he can be in a million places at the same time, too! Santa is amazing. He really seems to like supermarkets though.

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  • #57
And he can be in a million places at the same time, too! Santa is amazing. He really seems to like supermarkets though.

Preeeeety sure he gets paid in royalties and commissions, or other things like that. That'd be a fat paycheck.:greedy::greedy:
  • #58
Preeeeety sure he gets paid in royalties and commissions, or other things like that. That'd be a fat paycheck.:greedy::greedy:
Well he can't live of magic alone. Besides, how is he ever going to pay his elves fair wages if he's not getting money anywhere?
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  • #59
Well he can't live of magic alone. Besides, how is he ever going to pay his elves fair wages if he's not getting money anywhere?
Who said he pays his elves fair wages? :vamp:

They're slaves I tell you. Slaaaaves.
  • #60
They make toys for us in China's Little Sweatsh- Santa's Workshop