Things you believed as a child

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  • #61
Who said he pays his elves fair wages? :vamp:

They're slaves I tell you. Slaaaaves.
I knew something was up with that guy. He never visits here anyway.
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  • #62
My sister told me that if you go to sleep with your legs bent, when you wake up they will be bent like that forever. I believed her and I was like a stick sleeping
  • #63
My sister told me that if you go to sleep with your legs bent, when you wake up they will be bent like that forever. I believed her and I was like a stick sleeping
xD That must've been uncomfortable.
  • #64
I kind of envy all of you, my childhood ended early and I didn't have a chance to wonder like you all did. I wish I had a fun childhood.
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  • #65
My sister told me when I was little that werewolves could sense how bad kids were and if you were bad they would kidnap you. Scared to death after that xD.
  • #66
My sister told me when I was little that werewolves could sense how bad kids were and if you were bad they would kidnap you. Scared to death after that xD.
Your sister sounds like a fun person.
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