What are your thoughts on feminists.

  • Thread starter cloudmario666
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  • #61
So for all types of doctors, women get 50k less? That could just mean that a lot more men occupy higher paying fields.
Well, not exactly 50k less, but around that amount is where women make less when being a doctor.

I don't get it though. With so much studying (at least 10 years), even if more men occupy higher paying fields, why should they be payed less? It makes no sense.
  • #62
Well, not exactly 50k less, but around that amount is where women make less when being a doctor.

I don't get it though. With so much studying (at least 10 years), even if more men occupy higher paying fields, why should they be payed less? It makes no sense.

It does make sense. Women earn less money not because of some grand conspiracy, but because they work less hours and are less likely to ask for a raise.
  • #63
Well, not exactly 50k less, but around that amount is where women make less when being a doctor.

I don't get it though. With so much studying (at least 10 years), even if more men occupy higher paying fields, why should they be payed less? It makes no sense.
Because the fields they occupy are less paying. I don't know if men do occupy higher paying fields more, but it could be a reason if its true.
  • #64
Because the fields they occupy are less paying. I don't know if men do occupy higher paying fields more, but it could be a reason if its true.
Men do occupy more high paying fields. Not out of pure generalization, but whenever I go to the doctors, there are very few times where a woman would be the one checking up on my health. I see more Nurses as women, and at least in school, I have always seen a woman who is was a nurse.

How about if a person were to do the exact same job and do the exact same amount of hours as a man? Would that person get a similar pay then?
  • #65
Men do occupy more high paying fields. Not out of pure generalization, but whenever I go to the doctors, there are very few times where a woman would be the one checking up on my health. I see more Nurses as women, and at least in school, I have always seen a woman who is was a nurse.

How about if a person were to do the exact same job and do the exact same amount of hours as a man? Would that person get a similar pay then?
I would hope so, but the 50k doesn't seem like a good statistic to use unless you can pin it to just one field.
  • #66
I would hope so, but the 50k doesn't seem like a good statistic to use unless you can pin it to just one field.

This was the source that I used. Doctors in many areas tend to be paid on a fixed salary, so I don't know if women working a less amount of hours is why they get paid less.

A doctor has to work long hours to make up for their salary, so perhaps that contributes to why women make less compared to men in this field.
  • #67
I just don't like how corrupt a lot of feminists are. They do what they do for their own agenda. They make you believe they do it for females. When in reality, feminists will bash females who aren't feminists.

I can't bring myself to like the feminism just for how hypocritical most of them are, but I clearly understand the need.
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  • #68
...Saying that you're a feminist has become such a taboo lately (the internet didn't really make this any better), when I even mention feminism, people (sorry, but mostly guys) around me immediately start acting really immature as if they have to prove their masculinity. I've always kinda hated gender roles and I get so frustrated when I wear clothes from the male's section that people pretty much say that I shouldn't wear it because it's not feminine enough, like when did people assign genders to clothes? Why are guys still getting laughed at when they wear skinny jeans or make-up?
...It would be so nice if people stopped assigning genders to certain things.

I use a teeny bit of nail polish every so often, usually in bold or fiery colors. No one's laughed in my face, but I'm not sure if they're doing it behind my back.
You see, it just doesn't matter to me. I'm secure enough in my own gender that I could wear a bra, and still be a man after. (Relax, I would've used a speedo as the example too.)

...It's so sad when (especially celebrities) try to wear as little clothes as possible to be appealing to men, as if their looks are their only quality. This is also why I really dislike fanservice in anime, games and other media, please stop objectifying women.

Now if television and videogames bother you - things that affect nothing in the world, except in the entertainment of some - you should probably turn off the tube awhile. There are other things to get revved up about, but what Rias Gremory's wearing shouldn't be up there.
You also completely forgot to mention the objectification of men in anime and other media: Armstrong from Fullmetal Alchemist, Bang Shishigami from BlazBlue, these and other strong, whacky males who love bro-hugs and buddy-slams, they're just as ineffective as the female-outlined fan services you mentioned.

But if you want a fictional female idol to hold up high, consider Bayonetta: she's a little out there, sure, but she's a powerful leading actress throughout the franchise. She carries herself really well, defends the people she befriends, (maybe she agonizes them a little, Enzo in particular, but she has faith that these characters can stand on their own.) and she does a lot of soul-searching instead of man-seeking. Character-wise, Bayonetta is one of the tops I can recommend.
  • #69
With ACTUAL Feminism also known as Equal Rights Movement I have no Problem
But then there is what Tumblr and Buzzfeed spawn(Buzzfeed seems to become a bit more rational recently tho)
People complaining about Cultural Appropriation,People trying to frobid Words,People complaining about how some Videogame Characters have Big Butts Etc
I think alot of People would take the Movement Serious if the most known representations werent things like Insecure Teens on Tumblr and some random Buzzfeed Articles that seem to be written bya Monkey on a Type Writers that has a obsession with Clickbaity Titles.

Sadly,due to that the Movement pretty much turned into something like Alien/Zombiefilm,you dont know who there a actual Feminists is and who is just there to for the sake of complaing about more Pointless things than even I complain about.
But most times,you can luckily avoid the stupider Part of the movement by never going on Buzzfeed,the social Justice parts of Tumblr and Huffington Post.

Also,the whole fanservice/sexualisation thing is more insulting to man in my opinion.
It seems more like the Media sees Men as Primitve Caveman who buy anything if there is a bit of skin it,than like trying to make Women to nothing more than a Object.
And staying on the objectifying Subject
If a game like say,Bayonetta is Sexist against Women due to having a Character that has ridicolous attractivity beyong the laws of Nature,wouldnt all the Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sylvester Stylone films be sexist against Man?I mean,alot of them feature a muscle packed Guy who is topless or wears skimpy clothes for the most part.And even if most people wouldnt find it attractive,it still glorifies the state of the Guy's body.Wouldnt that also be Objectifying Men?

Also,another thing I forget to add is,I wish more Feminists would do something against Double Standards,no matter if they privilege Males or Females.
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  • #70
With ACTUAL Feminism also known as Equal Rights Movement I have no Problem
But then there is what Tumblr and Buzzfeed spawn(Buzzfeed seems to become a bit more rational recently tho)
People complaining about Cultural Appropriation,People trying to frobid Words,People complaining about how some Videogame Characters have Big Butts Etc
I think alot of People would take the Movement Serious if the most known representations werent things like Insecure Teens on Tumblr and some random Buzzfeed Articles that seem to be written bya Monkey on a Type Writers that has a obsession with Clickbaity Titles.

Sadly,due to that the Movement pretty much turned into something like Alien/Zombiefilm,you dont know who there a actual Feminists is and who is just there to for the sake of complaing about more Pointless things than even I complain about.
But most times,you can luckily avoid the stupider Part of the movement by never going on Buzzfeed,the social Justice parts of Tumblr and Huffington Post.

Also,the whole fanservice/sexualisation thing is more insulting to man in my opinion.
It seems more like the Media sees Men as Primitve Caveman who buy anything if there is a bit of skin it,than like trying to make Women to nothing more than a Object.
And staying on the objectifying Subject
If a game like say,Bayonetta is Sexist against Women due to having a Character that has ridicolous attractivity beyong the laws of Nature,wouldnt all the Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sylvester Stylone films be sexist against Man?I mean,alot of them feature a muscle packed Guy who is topless or wears skimpy clothes for the most part.And even if most people wouldnt find it attractive,it still glorifies the state of the Guy's body.Wouldnt that also be Objectifying Men?

Also,another thing I forget to add is,I wish more Feminists would do something against Double Standards,no matter if they privilege Males or Females.

A strong point which I agree with. I'da cut back on the capitalizations and worded it a little kinder, but I'da said the same thing. ;)
  • #71
I think I should add a phrase that i think fits most to the "should games be pc?" argument

"If you try to please everyone,you will please no one"

And another thing regarding Sexuality in games:
Sex sell.Its that simple.You see,looking at the sexuality in games thing,you should keep in mind that there are biological difference between Men and Women,in this case Neurological ones.Sexual imagery is more likely to get a male to buy a product than a female to buy a product.But it has nothing to do with "Women are seen as Sex Objects by Men",its simply Primal Instincts.Even the nicest Man on Earth who handles everyone equally good and respectful can be aroused by sexual imagery.

And as much as beating a Dead Horse it is,ill bring up the Wage Gap again
It still isnt proven if it exists,there wasnt a study complicated enough to fully look at it
Its the whole "Vaccinations cause AIDS"(Which later got revived with AIDS being replaced by Autism*) thing again,people would rather roll out something shocking that gives them relevance and supports their opinion than properly loooking at.
Its this age's problem of Qunatity and Relevance standing above Quality.
if we say it would work,you would need to look at Attitude and Behaviour at Work +Work Time+Days Off+Pay,but even that wont work due there being one problem:Humans are inviduals,its hard to show valid results when you are trying to compare groups whose only similairance mostly ist their gender

*Both were debunked by alot of scientifc studies,but still people believe these rumors
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  • #72
I'm just a guy so I don't know if it's correct to call myself feminist but I still think women are as strong and capable as men in everything and I've always tried to help women, usually my lady friends, whenever they have problems because of their sex.
There shouldn't even be sexism nowadays, this isn't the 19th century.
  • #73
I think I should add a phrase that i think fits most to the "should games be pc?" argument

"If you try to please everyone,you will please no one"
Not sure if it's going offtopic for a long time or not (if it does, maybe we'll make a new topic) but why would that sentence fit most to the "should games be pc?" argument?
I mean, if they're still available on consoles, I don't see why console people wouldn't still be pleased, and if they're not, consoles will die, everyone will have only a PC (and a good one (which doesn't mean "an extremely good one for $10000"...)), and everyone will be pleased too :p

And while I agree that some game don't necessarily belong to PC (like Smash), others should really only be on PC (shooters, FPS, this kind of things. Except maybe if you have something that is as natural as a mouse, like Splatoon's gyro).
  • #74
Not sure if it's going offtopic for a long time or not (if it does, maybe we'll make a new topic) but why would that sentence fit most to the "should games be pc?" argument?
I mean, if they're still available on consoles, I don't see why console people wouldn't still be pleased, and if they're not, consoles will die, everyone will have only a PC (and a good one (which doesn't mean "an extremely good one for $10000"...)), and everyone will be pleased too :p

And while I agree that some game don't necessarily belong to PC (like Smash), others should really only be on PC (shooters, FPS, this kind of things. Except maybe if you have something that is as natural as a mouse, like Splatoon's gyro).
PC means Politically Correct
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  • #75
PC means Politically Correct
Lol, that's what I get for being French on an English forum where people use abbreviations :p
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  • #76
I'm just a guy so I don't know if it's correct to call myself feminist but I still think women are as strong and capable as men in everything and I've always tried to help women, usually my lady friends, whenever they have problems because of their sex.
There shouldn't even be sexism nowadays, this isn't the 19th century.
I gave the official definition on Feminism earlier on this chat: a person that believes both genders should have equal rights. I also mentioned my reluctance to refer to myself as a feminist given how strong some people's opinions are.

You can call yourself whatever you want. ;)
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  • #77
I gave the official definition on Feminism earlier on this chat: a person that believes both genders should have equal rights. I also mentioned my reluctance to refer to myself as a feminist given how strong some people's opinions are.

You can call yourself whatever you want. ;)
Great! I was kinda worried that I was using the word incorrectly but now I know :p.
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