Pokémon Shuffle is the successor to Pokémon Link: Battle !, puzzle game released on the Nintendo eShop of the Nintendo 3DS last year. The basic concept is similar: the touch screen has a grid full of blocks in the image of Pokémon, the player has to group by species to make them disappear and cause the collapse of upper blocks. This drop may reveal additional alignments, triggering a combo. The disappearance of blocks allows to weaken the Pokémon on the top screen, which may lead to his capture.
The player is guided by Amelia, who taught him the basics of the game. It can capture Pokémon for use as support. Each Pokémon has a different talent that is activated in combat. Pokémon catch rate is calculated according to the species of Pokémon and the number of remaining shots at the end of the game. There is also the Mega Pokemon in this game. To use the Mega-Trends, you must obtain prior wanted Pokémon and its Mega-Gem. The Mega Gems are given throughout the adventure or during competitions.