Pokemon Sprite Artist Hobbyist
Towns Folk
That looks weird. Is it a Pokemon u can catch or no.
Missingno. is not an official Pokemon per se, but rather a leftover/placeholder from Game Freak's debugging stages of the game. It usually has two Water Gun moves and an unused Bird type. He is catchable but doing so will graphically glitch out icons on the overworld/Pokemon menu (Which is fixable by looking at a normal Pokemon's stats) and corrupts your Hall of Fame data which isn't much of a big deal and doesn't pose a risk to your game.
In Pokemon Yellow he becomes harder to obtain as Game Freak caught wind of the glitch and tried to prevent him from being caught via freezing the game if you encounter Missingno. in the wild. You can still acquire him via trading though. Missingno. is popularly used for an item duplication glitch where you can max out the 6th item in your items menu to 128 upon encountering or catching him. This means more rare items like Rare Candies and Master Balls if you keep a hold on them.
One other thing to note; there is an almost identical glitch Pokemon similar to Missingno. that's called 'M. They almost do exactly the same thing, however 'M is quite dangerous if you try to capture him as he can freeze your game or PC Box if your party is full. It's implied that he can erase your save data but it appears as if that's just rumour. Still, tread lightly around this one.
Finally, this last part is just speculation but apparently the appearance of Missingno. is a garbled messed up sprite of Trainer Red from the title screen. (Keep in mind that this is just Missingo.'s most common appearance, not the only one.)
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