3DS Pedia Name Change Official Voting Poll

  • Thread starter Marc
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"Marc's the sugar daddy of gaming" - Artisan 2020
Forum Management
As of writing this, the poll from this thread is at 22 votes for keeping 3DSPedia and 20 for changing it to a general Nintendo name. The other votes are either for NS related domain or something else.

After thinking about it, I'm seeing 3DSPedia.com working fine for now, but it will most likely run into a lot of problems later down the road (maybe not extremely major but it could affect new members from signing up and no, we're not like that GBA site where people sign up for help with hacking, nor do we have that much population to make something like that work effectively for getting newbies to sign up). When the Switch comes out and after I've implemented some new things to the forum (you'll find out what I'm talking about eventually), I expect a surge of Nintendo Switch traffic. We didn't have much luck with Wii U owners when we were 3DSPedia.com, but we did get a lot of 3DS owner signups.

If we do change domain names, I want to have everything fixed up a lot earlier than the Switch's release. Might even switch over to HTTPS but that is capable of causing A LOT of problems with Google so it'll be best to get that out of the way one time, if we do go through with the name change.

Questions :

Q: Will I still be able to access the site from 3DSPedia.com?
A: Yes! If it doesn't get 301 redirected for visitors and search engines, then there's no point.

Q: Will we shift our focus to the Switch?
A: No! We're still going to heavily focus on the 3DS. We'll just do it with the Switch too.

Q: Is changing the domain going to boost activity?
A: Swapping the domain alone isn't. The name does help people who have no idea about the site decide if they want to make the forum their "home" even before they actually go through with signing up.

Q: Is forum.domain moving to domain.com/forum?
A: Yes! I also plan to make adjustments to the main site's theme to match the forum. Right now the sub domain can be seen as a totally different site to Google. I want to change that.

Q: Could I still have 3DS Pedia as the logo's text for my account?
A: It can be arranged.

Q: When will the voting end?
A: February 1st, 2016.

Domain name to give feedback for :


( Is not going to be the official logo for the site / We'll be keeping the current logo style )
- "Pedia" because I know a lot of people call this site "Pedia" and themselves "Pedians".
- "Ninten" and "Pedia" are kid friendly and memorable.
- Cause everyone on Pedia is a TEN :D (credits to Popcorn / @etrian_warrior for being the first).
---> / waits till someone grabs the shotgun to blow me away for that pun D:

Post in this thread saying YAY or NAY to the name.
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Reactions: EnderLord, T-Player Guy, 423 and 4 others
Got that sweet pun though, thanks for the shoutout @Marc
EDIT: Nintenpedia all the yay!
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Hey, it's almost closely resemble the name I suggested in the thread of earlier, but tad bit shorter and more catchy! I'll miss having 3DS Pedia as the site's name if we changed the names eventually because I'm already fond with the name of 3DS Pedia already, but if this will attract more visitors due to covering Nintendo games in overall, this change might be for the better.
i'd say yay mostly bcz eventually the 3ds will become outdated and we'll pretty much have to change the name, so we might as well get it out of the way before we're essentially forced to change it to stay relevant :T
Credits to rawrrie for the name >.<)/

Dang it Marcy >.>
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+ Pedia = Yay

I really like the change to domain.com/forum too.
Hadn't thought about it that way. Yay
  • #10
Hmm... I can see the change, probably would help get more people to join.

I like 3DS Pedia more then Ninten Pedia, but I like both.

I'd say nay to the name change, but I would completely understand yay
  • #11
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  • #15
neutral :3
  • #16
Nay Nay nay NAY all the way. 3ds Pedia is like Family to me,the name itself I do treasure and it will hurt some of us loyal to the site and name itself if either is changed and mainly the name that gives it it's certain value. I call myself a pedian time to time and I DO refer this as "Pedia" as well for short when I talk about this site to my friends,I had 5 of them join since I been here and it's been a real blast and party.
NAY I'll even put this in my favorite colour because I like the name it already has so much to prove my point.
So with that being said sure we may have future problems but who cares were 3ds Pedia we can handle anything and either way if the name does get changed we would still have those future problems.
Let me get a quote from LOZ TP to prove that lil statement.

" Shadow and Light are two sides of the same coin, one cannot exist without the other. I know the reason the goddesses left the Mirror of Twilight in this world. They left it because it was their design that we should meet. Yes... that is what I believe."-Zelda

We are the light and the internet is the shadow,the coin is our choices and the sides we choose reflect on which we don't we were lucky to even have this created in our world as 3ds pedia brings happiness to most. 3DS pedia if it changes or does not we still would find it to have value but the old is worth more gold.

Wow I typed too much eheh... but I hope this shows what I feel.
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  • #17
Yay, not down for NintenPedia, but down for a name change.
  • #18
  • #19
Nay, it's a amazing name and logo :3
But "3ds pedia" just has that ring to it
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  • #20
please don't pull a "roblox logo change x 10" on us
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