3DS Pedia Name Change Official Voting Poll

  • Thread starter Marc
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  • #21
Nay. 3DS Pedia should be fine as is, the fears of us becoming obscure by keeping it are pretty much hyperbole. If anything make it an April Fools joke.
  • #22
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  • #23
Yay c:

The name sounds good since *as you said in the post linked in OP*:
If someone heards about 3dspedia.com they will think its only for 3DS owners and not for Wii U / Switch owners or will try to search a wiiupedia.com/switchpedia.com.
With this new name "Nintenpedia" the person who hears it will think its for all Nintendo consoles and that could bring more people to the forum!

Also , if Nintenpedia logo is not final one , i think it would be better if it had Nintendo font :eek:
  • #24
Yay, nintenpedia sounds good :3
  • #25
Just make the logo less child-ish
  • #26
Also , if Nintenpedia logo is not final one , i think it would be better if it had Nintendo font :eek:
Just make the logo less child-ish
The logo in the post isn't going to be the site's logo ><
  • #27
Nay Nay nay NAY all the way. 3ds Pedia is like Family to me,the name itself I do treasure and it will hurt some of us loyal to the site and name itself if either is changed and mainly the name that gives it it's certain value. I call myself a pedian time to time and I DO refer this as "Pedia" as well for short when I talk about this site to my friends

You do realize that all of this is still true with the new name proposition? You can still shorten it to Pedia and call others Pedians as well, it was taken into consideration when Marc chose a name.
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  • #28
I know
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  • #29
Nintenpedia sounds a bit... well... kiddish to me. It didn't really help that the logo wasn't very mature-looking. :/
I'll vote Nay until a better one comes around. Just until then. I still say DSpedia is the way to go: nostalgic but notorious,
everybody knows what a DS is, it shaped the Nintendo gaming industry. 3DS is just a mutation of a great.
  • #30
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  • #31
Well that's why I crossed it out, didn't I? :p
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  • #32
Well that's why I crossed it out, didn't I? :p
I did also include this piece of text in my first post :

"( Is not going to be the official logo for the site / We'll be keeping the current logo style )"
  • #33
I did also include this piece of text in my first post :

"( Is not going to be the official logo for the site / We'll be keeping the current logo style )"
You two are both comin' to respond to a bit of crossed-out text, aren't ya? :rotfl:
I knews all this as I commented. :D
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  • #34
You two are both comin' to respond to a bit of crossed-out text, aren't ya? :rotfl:
I knews all this as I commented. :D
Nah, the crossed out text isn't why I replied. It's because you're waiting for a totally new logo when the most that might happen (for now) is just keeping the same logo-style and changing the text.
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  • #35
Nah, the crossed out text isn't why I replied. It's because you're waiting for a totally new logo when the most that might happen (for now) is just keeping the same logo-style and changing the text.
...Ye. Read that too. I crossed out the whole sentence regarding the logo 'cause I knewd it.:)

What I said was nay until a better name came along. :pompus:

Ignore the crossed-out sentance in its entirety, the point looks different.
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  • #36
Sound good to me . I'd say go for it . :cat:
  • #37
Then what are the reasons of your "nay" if your reasons aren't applicable? ^^
  • #38
I'll have to say yay to the name change!
  • #39
  • #40
The logo in the post isn't going to be the site's logo ><

Oh sorry :'o .Sorry for me being dumb <3
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