Corrupt A wish!

  • Thread starter Starmanfan
  • Start date
  • #1,761
Granted, but you can only draw the words ' really good' and nothing else

I wish I could turn people into popcorn
  • #1,762
Granted but you'll turn to popcorn yourself

I wish i would win the giveaway marc is doing x3
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  • #1,763
Granted, I win the giveaway :D

I wish I could turn popcorn into people
  • #1,764
Granted but the popcorn people tastes horribly

I wish my wish got granted
  • #1,765
(Who says I was going to eat it?)
Granted...and instantly ungranted

I wish I got one euro for every time I breathed
  • #1,766
granted but the euro will blow away

I wish that i wished for my wish to get granted
  • #1,767
Granted. You can only wish for it to be granted. It won't actually be tho :p

I wish i could make better puns
  • #1,768
Granted. You can only wish for it to be granted. It won't actually be tho :p

I wish i could make better puns
Granted, your puns are now 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001% better.

I wish that I could turn into anyone I want and back.
  • #1,769
Granted but you lose your will

I wish it was possible to wlk on the sun without harming yourself
  • #1,770
Granted but you can't come back to earth.

i wish pokemon was real :O
  • #1,771
Granted, but Magcargo is the only Pokemon that exists (You know, the one 7 times hotter than the SUN?).

I wish I could motivate myself.
  • #1,772
Granted! You can! You're also a really energetic motivational speaker who hands out cheesy quotes on cards to people on the street.

I wish for peace, love, and understanding~
  • #1,773
Granted, but your wish only applies to flies

I wish my internet was extremely fast
  • #1,774
Your internet's speed exceeds the speed of light, causing tension in the fabric of the space-time continuum, until a black hole is magically conjured from nowhere because the internet is not pleased with your wish. As a result, it kills you and you die. Also, you're dead.

I wish to know how many stars are in the night sky~
  • #1,775
Granted but after you acquire that knowledge your head explodes.

I wish I could stop and restart time at will.
  • #1,776
Granted but you can only stop and restart time once so choose wisely.

I wish this forum merges with Gaming Latest.
  • #1,777
Wish granted, but both servers crash indefinitely. And you lose fifty dollars somehow.

I wish for 999,999,999 EXP
  • #1,778
Granted, but you are accused of hacking and are banned from 3DS Pedia.

I wish to be given unlimited wishes that cannot be taken back, but I can wish something back, plus, I cannot kill myself with these wishes, or anyone I would regret killing. I cannot get in trouble for doing any wishes. Yet, everyone knows about it. They do not ask for too many wishes, or sometimes I don't grant their wish. Along with the power of unlimited wishes that cannot be taken away, I can also ask any question and it will be granted my answer!

Try to mess that up!
  • #1,779
Granted but I can't read so you only get to grant other people wishes instead of yourself you selfish kitty.

I wish life was easy and straightforward.
  • #1,780
Wish granted, but you will only have that life for 10 seconds, before death.

BTW I am good with my wish! I like helping people!

I wish that I have no wish.