Corrupt A wish!

  • Thread starter Starmanfan
  • Start date
  • #1,741
Wish granted, but your on mars

I wish I had a girl friend
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  • #1,742
Granted, but she's a computer AI and has very slow learning capabilities.

I wish that England had sun and clear skies all the time.
  • #1,743
Wish granted!
However, that means it's never nighttime, so the temperature increases rapidly, and everyone and everything dehydrates and DIES!!

I wish people were more responsible about what they wished for. *tsk, tsk, tsk*
  • #1,744
Woah...that escalated quickly.

Granted, but this thread becomes super boring.

I wish I was Batman...but with my parents alive. (That would be too easy, frankly.)
  • #1,745
Granted but then of course your parents would be dead. >:D

I wish King of The Hill had a laugh track.
  • #1,746
Granted, but everything else is muted.

I wish I had a bazillion play-coinz
  • #1,747
Granted but they are only valid for 1 second and you cannot use them during that 1 second.

I wish that I could perfectly make any food I wished so I could eat it.
  • #1,748
Granted, but you're always running out of ingredients, and the ability only lasts thirty days.

I wish strawberry milk would rain from the sky instead of rain.
  • #1,749
Granted, but it's also acid rain.

I wish that I went to school at Hogwarts and was in the same year as Newt Scamander.
  • #1,750
Granted, but you stay in that year for the rest of your life, living the same events over and over...

I wish there was a cartoon about kangaroos and bank robberies.
  • #1,751
I could live with that honestly

Granted, but it only lasted for 1 1-min episode and was cut after that for very low ratings.

I wish for my overwatch game to be working again so I can play it.
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  • #1,752
I could live with that honestly

Granted, but it only lasted for 1 1-min episode and was cut after that for very low ratings.

I wish for my overwatch game to be working again so I can play it.
Granted, but all your data is gone and you can only play as Kermit the frog.

I wish I could draw amazing pictures in under 10 mins
  • #1,753
Granted, but all your data is gone and you can only play as Kermit the frog.

I wish I could draw amazing pictures in under 10 mins
Granted, but they always get corrupted. (ba dum tss)

I wish that SiIva would upload CCC episodes more often.
  • #1,754
Granted, but you can't watch the episode

I wish i would die Xp(jk of course)
  • #1,755
Granted, you now have the ability to die

I wish I would get paid to make drawings
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  • #1,756
Wish granted, but you can't use the money you only have it on your account

I wish i had a ps vita or ps4 ;-; or maybe not now when i think about it nvm actually, i wish for dragon quest warriors for the switch to get localized.
  • #1,757
Granted, but it bricks every switch it is inserted into

I wish I had infinite blood to donate
  • #1,758
Granted but it is poisonous

I wish I could draw anything in my mind
  • #1,759
Granted but you can't use your body at all

I wish The chespins where all dead
  • #1,760
Granted but you're dying with them

I wish I could draw really good