Corrupt A wish!

  • Thread starter Starmanfan
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  • #1,781
Granted, you have no willpower at all now

I wish tomorrow's weather was beautiful
  • #1,782
Granted but every other day is miserable.

I wish I could travel the world.
  • #1,783
You can. Airplanes have been invented, so nothing's really stopping you... Wish already granted.

I wish I could hack everyone's signatures to be a kitty-cat neko doing the 'nyan nyan' dance.
  • #1,784
Granted but you get banned for hacking

I wish Guardians of the Galaxy 3 would come out this year
  • #1,785
It does, but everyone's voice sounds like Jar Jar Binks.

I wish for a glass of raspberry lemonade with some breadsticks on the side.
  • #1,786
Granted but you get food poisoning.

I wish I could have the switch.
  • #1,787
Granted, but it's broken and there are three triangles cut out in the middle, resembling a triforce :p

I wish pigs could fly
  • #1,788
Granted, but it's exhausting for them, so they decide to never fly ever. They could, but they'd rather not. So they don't.

I wish I knew who the fairy in Tri-force64's signature is. ;w;
  • #1,789
Granted, it's Cirno from Touhou :D
but she is the one who will take you life in 9 days :eek:

I wish I was friends with a talking burrito
  • #1,790
Oh well, at least my murderer is cute~ ^w^

You are. Your real friends isolate from you because they can't accept that your food talks.
And it throws itself away after a week.
  • #1,791
Riiight you didn't wish for anything so that gives me a free wish!

I wish I coul unmelt chocolate back into its original shape
  • #1,792
Granted, but then the chocolate tastes like plastic.

I wish I had an Alienware laptop.
  • #1,793
I wish I had an Alienware laptop.

Grants, but it's infected with the WannaCry Virus.

I wish I had a life.
  • #1,794
Granted but you die early

I wish splatoon 2 comes out in June instead of july.
  • #1,795
Granted, June 3089

I wish I had biological immortality.
  • #1,796
Granted, but your body will function less and less good, you'll suffer of heart attacks that do not kill you, rheumatism, kidney problems, ...

I wish I had a boy/girlfriend who would never break my heart.
  • #1,797
Granted but you fall out of love with them and to your horror you're commited in a relationship you want out of because you owe them too much for having always been loyal to you.

I wish I was cared for.
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  • #1,798
Granted but you fall out of love with them and to your horror you're commited in a relationship you want out of because you owe them too much for having always been loyal to you.
this... is... evil...
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  • #1,799
this... is... evil...

Sorry, that's not a valid wish. So I cast you into the Abyss of Evilness. Wish granted (or so my paperwork will soon say).

I wish people would quit posting foreign stuff in their signatures I can't understand (because I'm too lazy to use Google Translate. :p).
  • #1,800
Sorry, that's not a valid wish. So I cast you into the Abyss of Evilness. Wish granted (or so my paperwork will soon say).

I wish people would quit posting foreign stuff in their signatures I can't understand (because I'm too lazy to use Google Translate. :p).
I was just reacting to Spinnerweb granting my wish, the next one would have been Spinnerweb's wish: "I wish I was cared for."

is it forbidden to comment an answer?