Do you play Demos?

  • Thread starter Kaynil
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  • #181
I download demo's if I'm curious what a game is like, in fact downloading the Bravely Default demo convinced me to buy the full game and I was so glad I did as it actually is a really good game. before I upgraded to a 16 GB SDHC card I used to delete demo's after playing them but I'm glad I can keep them without any issues now :)
  • #182
Well, I played the ORAS demo, so yeah, I do :p
  • #183
I have played a lot of demos but I really like the monster hunter and metal gear solid demo. I wished that demos had unlimited uses and all... But what I love is the fact that nintendo have out pokemon ORAS demo with unlimited uses and ssb4 3ds with unlimited uses and I got both unlimited uses demos :)
  • #184
DEMO'S! I hate them, they waste Internet downloading them and they take up space on the SD
  • #185
I got about two...............or three then I deleted them all.They are all just memory wasters if you play them to the end.They are useless if you play them too long.:thumbsdown:
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  • #186
Sometimes I download demos depending on what game it is. Demos do take space up so I would uninstall it later on.
  • #187
I do, I get some demos from the sshop every time there is a good game on the road but I am not sure if i should buy it. So what i do is to try to get everything from the demo version of the game and then i decide whether to buy it or not. On the other hand, there are some games that need no demos at all, such is the case (my own case) of ssbb for 3ds, I know what the game is about and I know it is worth, so in such a case i don't need to play the demo, because I knew for sure that i was going to buy the game.
  • #188
i played final fantasy theatrythm demo did not LOVE it it was ok never playes final fantasy game before i though itd be more fun eh so also i might get that adventure time demo if you dont lose till u die cant you just beat the game in the demo who ever made the game must have not known how wierd of a demo that would be
  • #189
The thing is that I used to but now I just play real 3ds games and some aren't that good also:thumbsdown:
  • #190
While checking out stuff on the eShop I also tend to download random demos and stuff, so yea
  • #191
They're ok really. I just wonder why some games (oot 3d) didn't have like 10 min gameplay demos.
  • #192
I play them only if I'm interested in buying a game and it hasn't been released yet or if I'm still trying to decide whether it's worth buying it. I do play some others, but only if they are a special demo (eg: Pokemon ORAS or MH4U).
  • #193
Who doesn't play demos? It's a good way to see if the game is just right for you. Plus some even allows you to transfer the demo's saved-data to the full game when you get it, which is great for grinding on some demos like Bravely Default, The Legend of Legacy, Codename S.T.E.A.M, and Witch and Hero. Helps you be prepared for the game when you get it. And I've been doing a LOT of grinding.
  • #194
When I used to first get my 3ds, I'd always download every single demo that there was available in the eShop :p Demos are really fun and it's good to try them to get to see if you'd like the full game. The thing with demos is that they're practically short, and always has that kinda feeling that you want to play more ... but that's exactly what demos are supposed to do xD
  • #195
Of course! Demos are free and are very helpful to help see if you like it or not. On the 3ds, I downloaded some demos and learnt some of them are so terrible... Shooters suck on the 3ds. I tried out the demo for pokemon omega ruby/ alpha sapphire and it was so fun, and there was a deal for 15 dollars for pokemon omega ruby so I bought it! Demos are so handy sometimes...
  • #196
I do sometimes.
  • #197
Hello to be honest I only really played demos maybe 3 times. I played one for minecraft because I couldn't get the full version. The I got 2 others. I really don't like demos because it makes u want to get the game but in some cases you don't have enough money or you are not allowed to. Getting the full version is a whole lot better then playing a demo. So that I what I believe and think
  • #198
I play the dancing game
  • #199
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  • #200
I used to play them but demos got a little boring since Nintendo doesn't have a lot but, on of the best demos I have played recently was Stella glow and I recommend this to any fire Emblem fan and gamers that love intriguing lore. Ever since I finished the demo I'm interested in buying the full game. Though the bad news is that the game is $5o. But, I bet the reason why it costs the same amount of an average Wii u game because it's actually meets higher than standards and blows IGN and other companies and gamers away like me.