Favorite Zelda Game?

  • Thread starter Catstew
  • Start date
  • #521
Legend of Zelda Ocarina of time & Majoras Mask on both N64 and 3DS
  • #522
I beat skyward Sword in 1 day it was short I have to admit but the story was incredible and I love the Boss battles.
Ghirahim would actually take your sword if you telegraph your attacks.
Scaldera usally reqired you to stab him unless you brake the rock that covers eye away to the point you can swing it
and Molderach would have you destroy his claws and show his eye. after that he would always go into hiding and attack with his tail.
There was an ancient statue that required you to rip his arms off with a whip and you coud take his sword and smash his heart.
There was a giant tactical monster that you shot arrow in his eye and Ghirahim again with 2 swords rather then 1
And then a third before the final fight.

Demise was really cool more of a challenge in hero mode but his ugly imprisoned form you have to fight 3 times because he brakes the seal up to 3 times
1st he tries to walk or shuffle his way out of the pit. you'll notice he only got feet.
2nd he will clime and walk or shuffle his way out of the pit. he also grows a pair of hands
3rd he will clime and walk, after witch he will try to fly out of the pit groose helps youi with his grooseanator (a catapult that hurals bombs or link)

IT's defenaly a lot harder on hero mode the fact that you cant get hearts and take double damage is really concerning to you expressly if you have no fairy.
Hero mode took me a day and 3/4 of it cause demise was a pain in the <censored> in hero mode after he electrocute his sword.
  • #523
Really? I really want to play it because I know that the lore for the Master Sword is in that game and I want to ei it.
GameStop probably has it for under $50. Oh, and the game sort of has two Master Swords.
  • #524
Ocarina of Time. Majora's Mask is too difficult :(
I hate it when the game starts over
  • #525
My FAVORITE Legend Of Zelda game is by far Majora's Mask.
  • #526
I really loved the Minish Cap, It was my first Zelda Game and I really loved it, even though it was short.

Then again Majora's Mask takes a close second, with the recent remake on the 3ds love it even more
  • #527
I have to go with Twilight Princess!!!
Mainly because of it's story line and MIDNA!!
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  • #528
My favorite zelda game of alltime is Ocarina of time
  • #529
My favorite one would be Twiligth Princess, it was the only one that gave me like an epic feeling. I haven't played any other after that came out though.
  • #530
I like Ocarina of Time and A Link Between Worlds. Are you planning on getting one? I recommend you do, they are amazing.
  • #531
both ocarina of time and majora's mask 3d are my favorite.While i am trying to beat majora i beat ocarina and loved it
  • #532
i like
both ocarina of time and majora's mask 3d are my favorite.While i am trying to beat majora i beat ocarina and loved it
  • #533
Majora's Mask
  • #534
Mine is Majora's Mask.
  • #535
Majora's Mask
  • #536
Uh, all of em?
Nah just kidding either Wind Waker HD or Skyward Sword, you should get into the series it's SO GOOD! Every game is really good in my opinion , although I'm not a huge fan of 1,2,and the oracles, but everything else is amazing. Who knows, maybe it might become you r favorite series. Also, when people complain about motion controls in S.Sword, just ignore them, it's not really that bad and you may just need to calibrate the controler. I suggest Twighlight princess Wii, because it's like 3x cheaper than Gamecube, or just wait for the HD remake for Wiiu. Minish Cap is a must, along with LttP, so if you don't have a GBA you can get them on Eshop. The only game I don't like is Four Swords Adventures, but that's mainly my problem. Ocarina and M mask both got remakes for 3ds, so get those. W waker HD is awesome, mainly because the origanal is SO AGONIZINGLY SLOW due to no speed sail. Enjoy Zelda!
  • #537
I can't choose between Twilight princess and ocarina of time 3d
  • #538
My favorite is twilight princess because it was the one Zelda game that would calm me down. I also like the wind waker because wind waker even though I nevered played it before has a amazing sound track. I finally like the legend of Zelda ocerina of time
  • #539
Has to be Wind Waker :D
  • #540
my favorite zelda game is the ocarina of time but upcoming is the legend of zelda wii u