General chat

  • Thread starter Mikaya
  • Start date
  • #441
I love you so much. I love how much you motivate me to be a better person. You are my motivation in the morning. You are my reward at night. You are with me through prosperity. You are with me through the struggles. You know my strengths. You know my weaknesses. You have shaped me into who I am today. We have created an everlasting bond that no one can ever break. To whoever it may concern.
  • #442
I love you so much. I love how much you motivate me to be a better person. You are my motivation in the morning. You are my reward at night. You are with me through prosperity. You are with me through the struggles. You know my strengths. You know my weaknesses. You have shaped me into who I am today. We have created an everlasting bond that no one can ever break. To whoever it may concern.
Wow, thank you! Same to you :D
  • #443
Jams is beautiful like the flower, intelligent as the raven and as wise as an owl.
MMmm yes.... So. Why don't you make one of me huh? I can see it now: Gecko floats like a butterfly, stings like a bee, and sticks to stuff like a Gecko mmmm yessss my precious...
  • #444
hello guys i am joining this :)
  • #445
Good Afternoon guys. Stopping back in thanks to Mikaya. :D
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Reactions: Mikaya
  • #446
Wow, been a while since I posted in this thread. Makes me somewhat nostalgic about the ol' Nintendo Forums. Which was back in like February. "Nostalgia" :p
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Reactions: Mikaya
  • #447
Wanna know what happened to me today? I was going to help my sister and her landlord. I was waiting for her, wondering what I'm supposed to do first, and I was going to grab my drink. Of course, the debris is in the way, so I tried to walk over it. By the time I did so, I hurt my ankle. My sister took me back home, so she can come back and see if it healed. I think I broke it, but she didn't know that. If she sees it's not healed, I think I may have to go to the hospital.

By the way, her boyfriend doesn't care about it. "He'll live" he says. Well' that guy doesn't have a soul!
  • #448
My name is Kyubey. Here is a picture of me.

                       |\           /|
                       |\\       //|
                      :  ,> `´ ̄`´ <  ′
                     . V            V            
                      i{ ●      ● }i            
                      八    、_,_,     八
                     / 个 . _  _ . 个 ',
                    /   il   ,'    '.  li  '. -'''" ̄ ̄^ニv..........,、
                   /. -―'''';;]_,゙二二__,,/  _..-''" ゙゙゙̄''ー     `'-、
               ,,-'"゙゙,゙ニ=ー''''"゙゙シ'"_,゙,゙,,,,,,,_     `'''T゛                 \
           /_..-'"″  '''^゙>'''"゛     ´                        `!、
           _..イ'"゛       ./                  \       ,..-''''''''''''''ー..,   .l
          / /         ./                  `゙''‐  .、        \.,,,│
        /  l         「                       l          " .`''、
      /   l゙         i                    !  .,!             .  .,!
        ! ./│      ._/ .ヽ,_,                   ,│ │         !   .!、
,, -ー¬'''" ./   .ヽ  _.. ‐″ .`'. "   `゙''―- ....,,,_       _.../ │  l           丿   .′
      ′   .i゙'''゛                 `'''r‐―‐'´    ヽ  .l   _,.        .ヽ
          |,     _,,,,,....、        /    .‐ ,   .`'i  .`'' .″             ヽ
        ,,.. .  .ヽ. .ン._,,,,,,...  .、,`'ー、、  ,.       _..l,   │  /             ヽ .../ '
            ゙l、.i ′      ゛   `"´       '"´ ,.ゝ   !   .|                 l/
             ‐'│゙.l   i                 ,r'" "  l    .l               ,, 'ソ゛ `
             ,i゙.l .\  ‐- ........ ‐'    、         ,r‐''   |,    .ヽ          _,, イ゛ .'、
         /  l. | _i,,,...... -----.... ....;;_  /      "     ....l    .ヽ    .,/´   .ゝ  .ヽ
      _,,, ‐"   l",゙,,...... ---――ー- ....,,,,,,_"'''ー ..,,_      ,L-'゛ ヽ    }  /     / ヽ  `
-'" ̄ ̄゛     .!.´                   `"'ー ..,゙.\.l .,/     ヽ   ゙./       .l   .`_,,,,,
             | /´'i     Й      /゙''i      `'-/           \ ./     _.. -''"  ./
          | .ゝ′          ! ./         |            ゙'l゙   .,/゛  ._,,、l゙
             ,|  ._,,..........--―¬''''¬- ....,,,,_      .|          ヽ ,/   .,..-"  . l
  • Like
Reactions: Marc
  • #449
My name is Kyubey. Here is a picture of me.

                       |\           /|
                       |\\       //|
                      :  ,> `´ ̄`´ <  ′
                     . V            V            
                      i{ ●      ● }i            
                      八    、_,_,     八
                     / 个 . _  _ . 个 ',
                    /   il   ,'    '.  li  '. -'''" ̄ ̄^ニv..........,、
                   /. -―'''';;]_,゙二二__,,/  _..-''" ゙゙゙̄''ー     `'-、
               ,,-'"゙゙,゙ニ=ー''''"゙゙シ'"_,゙,゙,,,,,,,_     `'''T゛                 \
           /_..-'"″  '''^゙>'''"゛     ´                        `!、
           _..イ'"゛       ./                  \       ,..-''''''''''''''ー..,   .l
          / /         ./                  `゙''‐  .、        \.,,,│
        /  l         「                       l          " .`''、
      /   l゙         i                    !  .,!             .  .,!
        ! ./│      ._/ .ヽ,_,                   ,│ │         !   .!、
,, -ー¬'''" ./   .ヽ  _.. ‐″ .`'. "   `゙''―- ....,,,_       _.../ │  l           丿   .′
      ′   .i゙'''゛                 `'''r‐―‐'´    ヽ  .l   _,.        .ヽ
          |,     _,,,,,....、        /    .‐ ,   .`'i  .`'' .″             ヽ
        ,,.. .  .ヽ. .ン._,,,,,,...  .、,`'ー、、  ,.       _..l,   │  /             ヽ .../ '
            ゙l、.i ′      ゛   `"´       '"´ ,.ゝ   !   .|                 l/
             ‐'│゙.l   i                 ,r'" "  l    .l               ,, 'ソ゛ `
             ,i゙.l .\  ‐- ........ ‐'    、         ,r‐''   |,    .ヽ          _,, イ゛ .'、
         /  l. | _i,,,...... -----.... ....;;_  /      "     ....l    .ヽ    .,/´   .ゝ  .ヽ
      _,,, ‐"   l",゙,,...... ---――ー- ....,,,,,,_"'''ー ..,,_      ,L-'゛ ヽ    }  /     / ヽ  `
-'" ̄ ̄゛     .!.´                   `"'ー ..,゙.\.l .,/     ヽ   ゙./       .l   .`_,,,,,
             | /´'i     Й      /゙''i      `'-/           \ ./     _.. -''"  ./
          | .ゝ′          ! ./         |            ゙'l゙   .,/゛  ._,,、l゙
             ,|  ._,,..........--―¬''''¬- ....,,,,_      .|          ヽ ,/   .,..-"  . l
Kyubey Your Six pack :eek:. Can I be a Kyubey to ?
  • #450
It will be hard....
  • #451
I will try please accept me as your Apprentice
  • #452
Accepted. Lol
  • #453
so hungry
souper smash bros
watch a movie
looper smash bros
so rich
super cash bros
get it trending
super hash bros
  • #454
Going with the flow:
Super gang bang brothers Luigi and guy from Mother 2, Pikachu, where's my super zero suit? It's in the wash in a thing called FLUDD, I guess he hated mutant mudds. assist with the fist of righteous judgment on the field his name is Ganondorf with Little Mac on his back of his heels. Now the struggle is real
  • #455
Going with the flow:
Super gang bang brothers Luigi and guy from Mother 2, Pikachu, where's my super zero suit? It's in the wash in a thing called FLUDD, I guess he hated mutant mudds. assist with the fist of righteous judgment on the field his name is Ganondorf with Little Mac on his back of his heels. Now the struggle is real
  • #456
I will try please accept me as your Apprentice
how does that work kyubey my apprentice
  • #457
  • #458
  • #459
All hail master Kyubey
  • #460
Yeeeeeeassssss! My dream has come true!