General chat

  • Thread starter Mikaya
  • Start date
  • #501
[Sorry for the bump I'm just bored ] Hi!
  • #502
Hi! New avi?
  • #503
Yeah how are you?
  • #504
Tired:sleep: <--That's what I'going to do about it. (now)
  • #505
I :sleep:'d a little over 10 minutes ago. I have a very mild sore throat now.
  • #506
We'll I hope that clears up

  • #507
This chat is great when your bored haha :cat:
  • #508
Hey Wayne!

Sorry for calling you Smash, you bear a great resemblance to @SmashChamp
  • #509
hmmmm i could. i might. i probably will
  • #510
???? Mmmm okay
  • #511
Oh haha no problem :cat: i thought you wanted to play smash hahaha :cat:
  • #512
I don't have smash yet, I'm getting it on the 8th
  • #513
That's not long now! your gonna have heaps of fun with the game its great!
  • #514
I don't have smash yet, I'm getting it on the 8th
you should remember wayne as the talking eevee with 8 brothers and sisters
  • #515
We'll actually I'm more excited for Fantasy Life (I'm getting AS, Smash, Rune Factory 4, and F same day)
  • #516
Wow! so many games in one day! Fantasy Life does look like a awesome game with much fun to have with it! and yeah @Shippo is right that is a good way to remember me haha :cat:
  • #517
Will you ever not be a GymLeader
  • #518
I don't know. I enjoy my job as a Gym Leader and getting to test peoples ability at competitive pokemon battles. I am really good at pokemon battles myself so it really gives them a challenge and a opportunity to see just how great they are! If you see a user that's not a gym leader and has all 6 badges then he must be a very good pokemon trainer and has completed all the tests!

Maybe on day i will quit and let someone else take over but for now i am still going to be a gym leader for a long time. :cat:
  • #519
My first battle with Wayne caught me off guard, but next time hopefully it won't be as easy. I keep thinking I used Shuckle and he was dead weight so if I replace him I have a chance.
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Reactions: Eevee
  • #520
Artisan will win next time im sure! he is pretty good at pokemon i was only lucky.