Oldest game you own?

  • Thread starter milksheikh
  • Start date
  • #21
I have New Super Mario Bros. For the DS. I know it seems like I am a newbie for that reason but I only got my first video game system on October 19, 2012. Sadness:(
  • #22
I have New Super Mario Bros. For the DS. I know it seems like I am a newbie for that reason but I only got my first video game system on October 19, 2012. Sadness:(

You gotta start somewhere right? No worries. Just think of all the classics you'll be able to pick up for cheap now. ;)
  • #23
I've got a bunch of nes games, and a nes that my family has had since it came outamd still in working condition! The oldest nes game I have would probably be the legend of Zelda. Not sure how old the other ones I own are so I can't tell you for sure! But its probably that game if I had to guess! It still works too! So if anyone wants to come play some old Zelda all you gotta do is call ;P OLD SCHOOL NINTENDO FOREVER!
  • #24
The oldest game I own is Ape Escape for the nintendo 64. It was a very fun game back when I was little; catching monkeys with a net to prevent them from taking over the world. The sequels (2 and 3) to this game stink, but the original is what dreams are made of lol.
  • #25
I still have my GameCube hooked up and I still have all my games for it. So I know my oldest game I still have will be a GameCube game.
  • #26
The oldest game I own is probably the duckhunt/super mario bros combo cart that came packed with almost every system back then.
  • #27
Oldest Nintendo Game owned: Something for the N64. Idk what game D:

Oldest Game I own: The games on the Magnavox Odyssey, the first video game home console EVER
  • #28
Not quite sure if this is my oldest timeline wise but I still have Pokemon Blue & a GB to play it on :)
  • #29
X-Com Enemy Unknown(the original)
  • #30
Wii Sports... Late bloomer.
  • #31
It isnt a nintendo console game but, Crash Bandicoot 2 for PS1 i think.
If only nintendo games count then it would be Wii Sports, which came with my Wii.
But the first Nintendo game i bought would be SSB Brawl.
  • #32
Pokemon red. Yeah I also have Yellow
If you asked me an every console game maybe is......... Pokemon red with yellow.........oopsoops
  • #33
I still have Super Smash Bros Melee for Gamecube and i still play it everyday. Its from 2001.
  • #34
well the oldest game will probaly be super smash bros for nintendo 64 or double OO7 FOR NINTENDO 64 i like my smash bros because i use to love whipping everyone in my family butts with mario link and samus the OO7 was coolbut i semm to only beat level 2 :(
  • #35
I am not quite sure what my oldest game that I have is. But some of my oldest games are Pokemon Platinum and Wii sports. I also have Pokemon emerald. Those are the oldest games that I have.
  • #36
Tetris on the Game Boy
  • #37
The oldest video game I own is the original Super Mario Bros cartridge on the NES. I also have Super Mario Land on the Gameboy, which is also pretty old (1989 I believe).
  • #38
Super Mario 3d land
  • #39
My oldest game is for the nes, super Mario bros with duck hunt. It is a game that is really fun. It's from 20+ years ago. It is probably one of the best games out there. It is also one of the hits that made nintendo so big. I personally will love that game till the end. It is one of the consoles that you just have to play. I was born in 2001, and it is way older than I am but I still play that game like it was a good Xbox 360 game or a really new and anticipated game. My advice is if you can find a nes with this game for 5-10 dollars buy it! My nes was a nes my dad bought when it was getting manufactured, so yeah the oldest game I have is one of the best games. Duck hunt is also a very fun game, even though it doesn't work anymore because the zapper uses a sensor that is not accurate any more. In fact there are not very many accurate ones. I mean like there maybe 500 good ones in the world. It is very expensive. I have never played this game, but my dad says it was good in the days... So, the super Mario and duck hunt bundle is good, and if you can find a nes and this game cheap, you should buy it. If you grew up like me you may not like, but if you are like a person who sold there nes, it would be a fun expirience again. If anyone knows any other 2 games in 1 cartridge please tell me as I love these because nintendo usually makes these unless they are pirated. Plax they added duck hunt in super smash brothers 4! How can't you love these games.
  • #40
The oldest game I have is probably Mega Man: Dr Wily's Revenge. I believe it was released in 1991. One of my favorite Game Boy games.