• Thread starter Ritardando
  • Start date
  • #441
I had a character named Sky in a D&D game a long time before I joined this RP and that's who I fused with Azura.
  • #442
Ah :p
I'm just ghosting the rp forum cuz I'm bored

And woah this has like 400 replies, I assume the OP disabled notifications for this thread
If not they're probably really annoyed
  • #443
Poisoned nerf gun...
  • #444
  • #445
Ah :p
I'm just ghosting the rp forum cuz I'm bored

And woah this has like 400 replies, I assume the OP disabled notifications for this thread
If not they're probably really annoyed
He hasn't been on since Jan 17 2016
  • #446
He hasn't been on since Jan 17 2016
If he ever comes back, well...
RIP notifications box
  • #447
  • #448
Alright back to the RP now?
  • #449
  • #450
"Wait..." Eric counted on his fingers.

<Red, Lance, Sky, Morty, the other two who are battling now... That leaves two people... Me and- crapcrapcrapcrapcrap!>
  • #451
Azura turned to Eric and smiled. " It's just you and me Eric."
  • #452
"Heh, this'll be interesting," Sky said.
  • #453
"Heh, even if I'm destined to lose, you will not beat me. I'll never surrender! Has anyone been watching the battle?
  • #454
"Not me," Sky said.
She turned to the battlefield and looked at the scoreboard- Cynthia was winning, 2 Pokemon left to 1.
  • #455
"It's almost over already?" Azura said as he looked at the scoreboard.
  • #456
"Yep. Good luck, guys!"
The battle went on for a bit longer before Cynthia ended up winning.
  • #457
"And for the final round of the preliminarys... Eric VS Azura!"

Eric and Azura walked onto the battlefield.
  • #458
(You guys make choices, I narrate? Like the other battle u did
Or nah if you don't want)
  • #459
(Yeah, you do that.)
  • #460
Azura chose Mudkip as his lead Pokemon. "Let's do this!"