• Thread starter Ritardando
  • Start date
  • #421
"We just seen Lance get beaten. Red has Mega Evolution too, he didn't even show that off..."

"And the contestants for round two are..."
  • #422
-Me Me Me!- Azura said in his thoughts. "..."
  • #423
"Round two!"

«The pressure is rising even after just seeing that one battle...»

"Morty! The gym leader from Johto and... SKY!"
  • #424
Sky was gasping at how easily Red beat the Dragon Champion so easily. She knew it was gonna be hard but, wow...

She was caught off guard when the announcer called her name. "M-me? Okay! Wish me luck guys..."

Stepping up to the battlefield, she stood her ground. "Let the battle commence!"
Two pokeballs fly across the arena. "Let's do this, Volcan!" Out of one comes a Typhlosion, fire on its back blazing as it gets into a battle stance.
"Go, Mismagius!"

"Alright, Typhlosion. Hit it with a Fire Blast!"
  • #425
"Wait... I'm not sure that I want to cheer for either of my friends," Eric pondered.

"Shadow Ball go!"
  • #426
The two attacks collide, creating a small explosion in the middle.
"Alright, fine then. The two attacks are equally powerful... So I'll just use a STRONGER move! Go, Blast Burn!" Volcan releases an attack similar to the last one, except much bigger and more powerful. It didn't knock Mismagius out, but brought them to pretty low HP. Though Morty's Pokemon got back up, and Sky saw the mistake she had made. Volcan, in recoil, was immobile for a turn.
"Shadow ball, Mismagius." It hits Volcan. The smoke clears. Her Typhlosion had fainted.
Alright, if that's his FIRST Pokemon, she thought, Then I'm SCREWED.

Sky clenched her teeth. "Go, Ace! It's low- use Aeriel Ace!"
Mismagius tried to avoid the attack, but the Staraptor was so fast that they couldn't. Mismagius fainted.
"YES!!" Sky cheered.
"Don't be too proud yet," Morty smirked, sending out his next Pokemon- Dusknoir.
  • #427
"GO SKY!" Eric yelled.
  • #428
"Eric if you cheer for her something bad will happen you must remain neutral!" Azura told Eric.
  • #429
"Ace, Brave Bird!" Staraptor charged towards Dusknoir, hitting them, but taking some recoil damage themself.
"Dusknoir use Dark Pulse!"
"Dodge it, Ace!" They quickly swerve to the side. "Good, now aerial ace!" They hit Dusknoir again, but Morty's Pokemon was still standing strong.
"Dark Pulse, again!" Morty said. This time it hit Staraptor, shooting them to the ground. However they hadn't fainted yet.
"Roost!" It didn't heal Ace completely, but enough to keep fighting.
  • #430
"Wait... That delta pin that Morty has looks bit different... Morty has a Gengar... This battle may have just been ramped up a noch."
  • #431
"Okay! Brave bird one more time!" Ace uses brace bird, finally knocking out Morty's Dusknoir. He sends out his next Pokemon, Drifblim.
"Thunderbolt!" Morty commanded.
The super effective move, in addition to Staraptor's low HP, knocks Ace out-both of them have 2 Pokemon left.

Sky sends out Mizu, while Morty kept his Drifblim out.
"Heh, this'll be easy. Drifblim, use thunderbolt again!" Morty said.
Mizu took the hit. "It'll take more than that to take out Mizu," Sky replied and grinned. "Use ice beam!"
Drifblim is knocked out. "YES!!! Alright, I got this!"
"Don't get ahead of yourself yet..." Morty smirked and sent out his last Pokemon, his main Pokemon, Gengar.
  • #432
"...If he does what i think he's doing..." Azura began to say.
  • #433
"Alright, time to make this interesting!" It's appearance began to change as it changed its form into Mega Gengar.
Uh oh.

"Gengar, shadow ball!" It easily knocked out Mizu.
"What? Well... You're not the only one who can do that!" She sent out her final Pokemon- Gale. "Gale, Mega Evolve!"

The two trainers stood there, both with a mega Pokemon on their side.
"Gengar, use Focus Blast!"
It narrowly missed hitting Absol.
"Use Dark Pulse!"
"Counter it with Sludge Bomb!" Both Pokemon took some damage, but not too much.
"Focus Blast again!"
"Cmon, try to dodge it!" Unfortunately this time, Absol wasn't fast enough and took a lot of damage.
"Okay... Well, try to take them out with dark pulse!" Gengar was hit by the attack but also didn't faint.
  • #434
"Sky has Mega Evoultion?!"
  • #435
"I have Mega Evolution as well." Azura said as he watched the battle.
  • #436
Eric stared at Azura, crestfallen. "You are kidding right?"
  • #437
"I won't tell you which Pokemon can, but trust me it packs a punch." Azura replied. "Do you have any Mega Pokemon Eric?"
  • #438
"I have Pokemon that CAN mega evolve, but very few mega stones and not a single keystone- Well, that is a lie I have this," Eric removed an odd keystone with a weird face eched onto it from his bag.
  • #439
"Gale, use future sight!" Absol's eyes glowed for a split second.
"...." Morty stared.
It was silent for a few seconds. "Er, alright then. Gengar, Sludge Bomb!"
Absol narrowly escaped getting hit by the poisonous attack.
Absol used Dark Pulse to finish Gengar off. Gengar jumped out of the way.
Gengar attacked with Focus Blast; Sky commanded Gale to use protect.

At this point both sides were simply trying to endure the other's attacks. Both of their Pokemon were at critical condition.
It seems that they've run into a wall- at this point it was just whichever Pokemon ran out of energy first.
Then out of nowhere, a psychic attack hit Gengar.
Gengar fainted.
"YES!!! The power of future sight! GO GALE!!!" cheered Sky.
"Hm. Good job; I didn't think you'd be able to do it."

Sky came back from the battlefield.
"Oh my god, I was so nervous... I wouldn't have won if I hadn't had the mega stone. And a type advantage," she said.

Round 3!
Cynthia vs. Steven!
  • #440

Did u just fuse our characters
(Even tho this was a month ago ) :p