• Thread starter Ritardando
  • Start date
  • #181
(To Skyshayman)
  • #182
  • #183
  • #184
(So did Mudkip faint the Feraligatr?)
  • #185
(No, Feraligatr is close to fainted tho)
  • #186
(But he was at low hp and Iron tail has a power of 100.)
  • #187
(Ok sorry I am reading horribly, thought ya used Muddy Water :/ it's still not very effective but I guess )

Feraligatr fainted
  • #188
"Feraligatr, you did me proud. Return," Eric called him back. "Alright! Kabotops! Get ready to slice and dice!"
  • #189
"Muddy Superpower!" (100% accuracy 120 power super effective move good night.)
  • #190
Meanwhile Sky is in the forest. She's training Gale, who has grown several levels since they started. Suddenly she sees a rustling in the bushes. Green fur disappears behind the leaves. "Huh, I haven't seen a Pokemon like that around before." Curious she follows.

Kabutops faints. However Muddy is weakened in both Attack and Defense now.
  • #191
"Alright then... Try to get past this wall of blubber!" Eric yelled sending out Snorlax. "Giga Impact!"
  • #192
"Muddy! Use Dive quick!"
  • #193
"Too little to late. Taking advantage of your lowered stats, I used Giga Impact. And since all of Snorlax's training has been to strengthen his defense, very few things can defeat him quick enough," Eric pointed out.
  • #194
(Mudkip is faster though so he dived before you hit him.)
  • #195
  • #196
  • #197
"Just try to hit Snorlax!" Eric yelled.
  • #198
(Narrators back yoooo) Muddy comes up but deals little damage to the tank that is snorlax.
  • #199
"So you wanna play that game. Muddy return! Salad tear them up! Dragon Tail!"
  • #200
"With more then half his health left, dragon tail helped me out a whole lot," Eric smiled. "Mamoswine! Come on out and use Ice Beam!"