An old-school gamer & anime freak!
Banned User
I have been thinking about something for a while and I think I should explain a bit about the supposed typing of the final evolutions of the starters! Just because there were numbered pictures on Nintendo's website for Fighting and Ground along with the base form ones', doesn't mean that we will get a Fire/Ground or Water/Fighting type starter! It's actually far more likely we will get yet another Fire/Fighting and a Water/Ground type starter! If you think that just because you doubt Nintendo will repeat themselves and try to be original, let me remind you something, they have given the Fire/Fighting typing to 3 starters so far, THREE, IN A ROW! However, despite that, it will be best if Litten's evolution actually isn't a Ground type, since that would automatically make it have less than 100 base speed or be unbelievably frail (like Dugtrio), which doesn't fit a cat-like Pokemon or a starter! I'm just saying this after realizing that despite the awful design, if Popplio ends up being a Water/Ground like Swampert and with a good hidden ability, then it would probably become the best one of the three! And I'm not saying some way too OP ability like Sap Sipper, but more like Liquid Ooze (to scare away Giga Drain users) or Unburden (although a bit unlikely)!