What is the Oldest Game or System u have?

  • Thread starter snacker101
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  • #41
The oldest console I have is the NES. (The only thing I'm missing is a power supply.) old game: Final fantasy: mystic quest. (I think a half bro of mine got a new one to replace a broken one, only that one broke too.)
  • #42
The oldest system I have is an SNES it works but it just needs some cables.The second oldest game system I have is the original DS lite it's messed up but it kind of works.The oldest game I have is super mario Bros for my snes.
  • #43
Oldest one I have an an original XBox.
  • #44
  • #45
My first system was the Nintendo DS. I was jealous because my brother had a DS and not me. So my parents went out and bought me a grey one, but it broke. Then they got me a blue one. It was cool. I could play games that were the AWESOMEST games at that time1
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  • #46
Probably a SNES.
  • #47
my oldest game system is the NES. The oldest game i have is mario. But i do have a really rare game too:D I have 'fire and ice' :D
  • #48
I sort of have two answers to this question :p

The oldest system I have is the Nintendo DS Lite. I know it's not too impressive, but I loved it with all of my heart.
I still have the old Red DS Lite. It brings back memories ;~;

Strangely enough, the oldest game I have isn't for the Nintendo DS, but for the Nintendo 64. A few years ago, an old friend of mine gave me a Perfect Dark cartridge for the N64. I can't remember why, though >.<
  • #49
The original playstation
  • #50
I think mine is a gameboy color maybe the color is blue
Maybe it is F-Zero for the gameboy color
it is that or Super Mario World....that GBC is lying around somewhere i always find it when i am not looking for it, I use my old DS to play those cartilages if i am that bored.... and i really do not get that bored with games
  • #51
Mine was, for consoles, a SNES. I have so many memories playing on this and I still have a USB version of the controller which I usually use for indie games. However my oldest game was a game and watch.
I'm not counting it as a console as it's only one game but I love playing it. I cant remember which game though and now I've lost it :v
  • #52
The oldest console I owned was a DSI, which I played with every possible moment. It was a light blue color, and I also got black armour for it. I lost quite a few styluses and beat quite a few games on it. Or maybe it was a Wii... Or maybe a X-Box.
  • #53
As far as system it would be a handheld , the gameboy color. As far as game it would be pokemon yellow for the gameboy color. 2nd oldest system I have would be my ps1 and the oldest game I own for that would be the very 1st game I ever bought for the system and that would be Lunar 2 :eternal blue complete . I was given FF 7 shorty around the same time so they are both pretty old .
  • #54
The oldest console I have is a NES, in fact, I have 2 of them, one doesn't work anymore cause the video/audio RCA cable somehow snapped while it was plugged in, now it's stuck there and I dunno how to get them out, RIP. The oldest game I have as far as I know would be Super Mario Bros. 2, the oldest handheld I have is a Gameboy Advance SP
  • #55
Unfortunately, my Nintendo 64 recently kicked the bucket, so my oldest system would be my GameBoy Advanced. It's a see-thru teal color, and I broke the battery compartment cover some time back when, so I have to hold it on w/tape. I do have my old 'brick' Gameboy, but it doesn't work, so I'm not gonna count it. Also have my Gameboy SP. It's one of my favorites. It's black and has 'Who are you?' graffitied on the 'top'.(not by me, I bought it like that)Works just fine. I love holding it, it's just so wittle and cute compared to my big'ol 3ds XL. ^_^

And I'd have to say that the oldest game I have is either my Pokemon Yellow or Asteroids. Asteroids would probably be older, though I'm not 100% sure.
  • #56
For me, it's PSone that my family relatives gave me back then in years ago. Even though lately I didn't play it as much anymore, when I played it again, it's still alive and kicking and playing several PS games well. Granted, one of the controllers is unusable but at least I can still play games as a single player there.

The closest second would be my Gameboy Advance SP, which is still operational as well.
  • #57
SNES, had 2 lol. Normal games on it were Mario, Disney, Paperboy, Kirby, ect.
  • #58
Probably the NES for owned consoles. I don't have it anymore tho. Right now I'd say a DS Lite.
  • #59
I have Sega Mega Drive/ Genesis console with Sonic the Hedgehog 2! I love this game I beat a lot of times. When
I was a kid :D ( Sega Mega Drive was my first console! )
This is my oldest console I have.

Is's very sad SEGA will never make consoles! :( :(
  • #60
Honestly there are only 2 systems that I REALLY own (that are only mine), and they are new. We do have a lot of old systems that have been passed to me by my brothers, though. They aren't exactly mine, but we all played them and shared them, so it's fine. The oldest one must be the original Gameboy, and then 2 Gameboy Colors (One of them has a problem with the battery springs, but it can easily be fixed. We already have one, so it doesn't matter.)