Writing- 'n-Drawing-aholic
Towns Folk
Thanks. Hate you too. <3 (Just kidding)I really HATE atheists. But I was raised a Christian, but Atheists aren't good people. The KKK are Atheists. I see ISIS as Atheist. They're not really Islamic. They just want an excuse to try and take over the world. The Koran clearly states that all Muslims should be peaceful.
ISIS might not be true to their religion, but that does not make the atheists. They do believe there is a God, they just interpret the holy book rather different. Since this book is the Koran, that still makes them Islamic. The situation is a little more complicated than them just trying to take over the world, this is the result of poverty, hunger, religious extremism and and Western ignorance. If you really want to make the world a better place, stop hating ad try to understand. (Hey, doesn't the Bible say you shouldn't hate people?

The KKK identifies as Christian. Again, they're way-off from how the average Christian behaves, but nonetheless, their holy book is the Bible, and that's what they base their actions of.
Almost every religion has brought a lot of misery upon the world, whether it be through extremism or through wars.
An atheist is someone who does not believe God exists, how does that make you a bad person? Do you know who John Lennon is?
He's guy behind this song, if you don't:
You can't condemn an entire group of people based on the actions of a few. There are religious extremists, and there are atheists who do terrible things, but that's not, and will never be, the majority.